“Er…sorry for scaring you,” I said weakly. “I didn’t mean to faint.”
“Of course you didn’t, baby.” He settled on the bed beside me and gathered me into his arms. “Goddess, I didn’t know what to think! I was afraid I’d broken you somehow at first.”
“I told you, I’m not that breakable!” I said crossly. “Just becauseyou’rehuge doesn’t makemetiny and weak. Most of the human men I know think I’m way too big—they don’t want a plus-sized girl who’s also as tall or taller than them.”
“Well, you’re tiny compared to me,” he rumbled, stroking my hair gently. “I’ll just have to be more careful with you from now on.”
I groaned.
“That’s what I was afraid of! Please don’t think we can’t, you know, have sex because of what just happened.” I looked at him earnestly. “Because I really want to have sex with you—like alot.”
Tark rumbled laughter.
“And I want to make love to you, too, Babygirl. But not right now.”
“Why not?” I demanded. “I still have…” I looked at the time charm on my arm. “Two whole hours before I have to get back to work. That should be plenty of time.”
“No, I’m not risking getting you overloaded again right away,” Tark said firmly. “It’s pretty fucking clear something is going on with your magic—we need to wait until it settles down before we do anything else.”
“But we don’t even know what it’s doing or when it will bedonedoing it,” I pointed out. “I don’t want to live my life waiting on some weird thing inside me to finish whatever business it has before you and I really get together!”
To be honest, the intense orgasm he’d given me had made me hungry for more. I still felt hot and wet between my legs and I also wanted to see his equipment—which he had yet to show me. Not to mention I was extremely eager to feel it inside me.
But Tark wasn’t backing down.
“No,” he said firmly, frowning. “I’mnottaking any more risks with you, Babygirl.”
I sighed because I could tell he meant it. He could be very stern at times—maybe because he was so protective of me.
“Will you at least cuddle me then?” I asked in a small voice.
He rumbled laughter.
“What do you think I’m doing?” He nodded down to where his arms were around me and I was pressed against him.
“I meantwithoutthe blanket,” I clarified, wiggling against him. “Please?”
“Well…all right.”
“And could you take off your jeans, too—so we can cuddle naked?” I asked hopefully.
Tark shook his head but there was a spark of amusement in his golden eyes.
“Determined little thing, aren’t you? No, baby, I’m not taking off my jeans. You’re too damn tempting and holding you naked is only going to make it harder to resist you.”
“All right,” I sighed. At least he still had his shirt off, showing his mouthwatering bare chest. I would just have to be happy with what I could get.
Tark got up and I held open the blanket for him to climb in beside me. As soon as he did, he took me in his arms.
I sighed happily as I pressed against his big body and laid my head on his shoulder.
“Mmm, you’re always sowarm,” I murmured as I breathed him in. His spicy, masculine scent was so comforting—he smelled like home, I thought.
“And you’re so soft,” he rumbled, stroking my hair. “Love you, Babygirl. I’m glad you’re all right—you really had me worried for a while there.”
“Sorry,” I said and yawned. “Mmm, I’m sleepy now.”
“Close your eyes and take a nap,” Tark told me. “Don’t worry—I’ll wake you up in plenty of time to get back to work.”