“Nobody at all?” he asked.
I shook my head.
“Not for years. I, uh, have this one memory of my dad holding me and kissing my knee—I skinned it learning to ride a bike, you know? And itseemedlike he loved me. But not long after that, he left and never came back.”
Tark frowned.
“It’s fucked up that humans act like that. How could he just leave you?”
I shook my head.
“I don’t know. Pretty much my whole childhood I used to imagine that he was going to come back for me someday and take me away from my aunt and uncle.” I sighed. “But of course, that never happened. In fact, before I moved out my uncle told me that they’d contacted him after my mom died and he refused to come take me. So I guess he didn’t love me, after all.”
“Aw, Babygirl…” He pulled me close to him again, nestling the top of my head under his chin. “You don’t have to feel like that anymore, you know.”
“Feel like what?” I asked, snuggling against him. I have to admit, I loved our size difference. He made me feel so little…so cared for and loved.
“Like nobody loves you or cares about you.” He pulled me closer and squeezed me in a tight hug. “BecauseIcare about you—I love you.And I want to take care of you.”
I felt as though the breath had caught in my throat. We had only been dating a few weeks at this point—it should have been too early to say those three little words. But it wasn’t—itsowasn’t. Hearing Tark say that to me seemed to heal something in my heart—something that had been broken since I was little. I felt my eyes welling up with tears again but this time they were tears of joy.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” He looked down at me with worried golden eyes. “Should I not have said that? I’m sorry—I couldn’t help it.”
“No, no—it’s not that.” I sniffed and swiped at my eyes again. “I’m just crying because, well, because I love youtoo. And it’s been so long since I could say that to anyone…or believe anyone who said it to me.”
“Aw, baby…” Leaning down, he placed gentle kisses on my wet eyelashes, kissing away my tears.
“Oh, Tark…” I threw my arms around his neck and pressed my wet cheek to his rough, bristly one.
If you have a Daddy Kink, you can go read the alternate chapters 8 and 9 in the Daddy Chapter Section. Then come back and continue reading the book at Chapter 10. If you don’t have a Daddy Kink, just keep reading, you won’t miss anything.
Being that close to him when I was feeling so many emotions—feeling so open and vulnerable with him—seemed to do something to my body. Pressing my face to his neck, I breathed him in and felt myself reacting to his wild, woodsy scent. My nipples were suddenly hard and between my thighs I felt wet and ready.
I rubbed against him, moaning softly as my tight nipples pressed against his broad chest. God, what was wrong with me? One minute I was bawling my eyes out and the next I was so horny I felt like I might crawl out of my skin!
Tark seemed to sense the shift in me because when he pulled back from our embrace to look at me, his golden eyes were half-lidded.
“Mmm, what’s going on with you, Babygirl?” he murmured. “Feeling some kind of way, are you?”
“I might be,” I admitted breathlessly. “Tark…I think…no, I know—I want to be naked with you.”
His eyes blazed and then went lazy with lust and his voice dropped to a soft growl.
“I don’t know if you’re ready for that yet, baby.”
“Yes, I am,” I insisted. “I know we haven’t been together that long but I trust you! And I want…no, Ineedto be close to you. With no clothes on.”
“All right, but we’re taking it slow,” he said. “And we’re not going further than I think you can handle.”
Then he lifted me in his arms and carried me into the bedroom.