Page 13 of Loved By the Orc

“She did, did she? And what caused her to think that, I wonder?” Goodie Albright gave me an appraising look.

“I’m not sure,” I said but Tark had an answer.

“Harmony wouldn’t drink the healing potion until she knew what was in it,” he said. “So Madam Healer explained and Harmonyunderstoodher.”

He gave me an appreciative glance that made me blush.

“Well, I mean Iamstudying to be a pharmacist,” I mumbled, feeling shy. “It wasn’tthathard to understand.”

“On the contrary, my dear, magical chemistry or alchemy as some call it, is anextremelydifficult discipline to master,” Goodie Albright said.

“I thought alchemy was turning a base metal like lead into gold,” I said, frowning.

She waved a hand.

“Yes, that’s what itusedto mean, back in the Dark Ages. But now it’s come to mean the same thing as chemistry does in the Human Realm. And as I said, it’s not easy to learn. So you may have an aptitude there.”

“How would I find out if I do?” I asked, intrigued.

“Well the person in town who knows the most about it is obviouslyMadam Healer,” she said, taking another sip of her tea. “She doesn’t just heal people—she also brews most of her own potions. I’d recommend you come back to town and make an appointment to talk to her.”

I liked the idea of speaking more with the snake-lady doctor. She’d been frightening at first, but after getting to know her a little, I could tell she was a very good doctor and an excellent teacher as well.

“Do you think she’d be willing to talk to me? Maybe even teach me a little?” I asked.

“Of course she would!” Goodie Albright exclaimed. “And just so you know, I’ve heard she’s still looking for an apprentice.”

“Oh, but I’m not looking for a job,” I protested. “I’m kind of stuck in the job I have now. In the, uh, Human Realm.”

“Ah, that’s a great pity.” Goody Albright sighed and shook her head. “You have so much magic in your blood, my dear—you shouldn’t waste it on the humans.”

“Hey, some of my best friends are humans,” I protested. “In fact,allof them are. And I am too, for that matter.”

“No, you’re not—you’re a witch,” she said with absolute certainty.

“I’m really not,” I said. “I don’t own a black cat or know how to do any spells or?—“

“No, no, my dear—that’s just a crude stereotype. A witch is simply any human female with magic in her blood. Just as a warlock is any human male with magic,” she said and offered me the plate of cookies. “Here—have one.”

“Oh no, I shouldn’t,” I said regretfully—they really did look delicious. “I’m on a diet.”

“A die-what?”Tark, who had been listening silently, frowned down at me.

“Adi-et.I mean I’m trying to lose some weight,” I told him.

“But why?” He looked confused. “I don’t understand—why are you trying to lose your curves?”

“She’s trying because human men don’t like them,” Goodie Albrightanswered for me, saving me some embarrassment, for which I was grateful.

“They don’t? Well, what the fuck is wrong with them?” Tark demanded, scowling.

“Don’t ask me—I’ll never understand non-magical humans.” Goodie Albright shrugged and offered me the cookie plate once more. “Forget about those human males my dear—they’re not worth bothering about.”

“Go on, Babygirl,” Tark urged me, when I started to demure again. “You have as many as you want—your curves are fucking beautiful. Don’t lose them because those idiotic human males are too stupid to see that!”

Blushing, I took a cookie and bit into it. It really was good—buttery and rich. It melted on my tongue but I barely tasted it. I was too busy stealing glances at the huge Orc at my side.

Nobody had ever told me my curves were beautiful before. The only compliment I ever got was the one that goes something like this: “You have such a pretty face/skin/hair! If you’d just lose a little weight, you’d be a knockout!”