Page 34 of Roping Reba

“Someday soon.”



“I have a surprise for you.” Johnny said while lying in bed on a regular Thursday night.

“Oh yeah? What kind of surprise?”

“The kind that has my mom showing up tomorrow morning so we can fly back to Rawhide Ranch.”

“What? Why?”

His grin widened. “Because there is a whole side of the Ranch that we never got a chance to spend time at.”

“The Dungeon?”

“You got it.”

We had talked about it on and off over the last few weeks, but never in a million years did I think that he would actually take me. I mean, he even told me he was going to send one of the guys up to drive my truck and camper back.

“Wait, have you been planning this all along?”

“Maybe,” he said with a shit-eating grin on his face. “I mean it's something that I’ve wanted to do with you. I just had a feelingthat unless I made all the arrangements and surprised you with the trip, we’d never make it.”

“That’s true. I always feel like we have so much going on.”

“We do, but the time we spend together is equally important. You’ve wanted to experiment with some voyeurism and I figured that would be the perfect place. The time we spent at The Pendulum has been great but we would need to be members there and the process is long. We can start it when we get home now that we’re done with the mentorship program. I called and talked to Derek at Rawhide. As long as we are guests at the ranch, we have access to the Dungeon. I also spoke with Drake who assured me I could even get some additional tips on the Shibari you so love. So that’s where we are headed in the morning.”

The excitement of the flight and drive out to Rawhide made me anxious as hell. I loved staying there. The resort was amazing, but I had never ventured my way down to the Dungeon. The truth was I’d never really known if it was something I was ready for. But the more Johnny and I explored what we liked and didn’t like about the world of BDSM, the more I’d thought about coming back.

The car pulled up to the expansive three-story building. We climbed the steps to the front porch and made our way into the lobby through a massive set of double doors. It was huge but cozy in a strange but familiar way. When I’d come here for work, the staff, the guest, the atmosphere had made this building feel more like an actual log-cabin house than a resort, but now that I had made a home with Johnny and Jax, this just felt like a really nice place to vacation.

“Fancy seeing you all back so soon,” Luna said as we approached the front desk. “I thought I saw your names on a reservation, but I was surprised since I heard you headed back to New York. How are you feeling, Reba?”

“Good as new,” I said, rubbing my side as the memories of my injury still felt a little too close.

“Good to hear. I’ve got you all set. You’re in room 106 and Moses will make sure all your bags are delivered there.”

“Thanks, Luna. It’s good to see you,” Johnny said before taking my hand and leading me away. “Are you hungry?”

“No, I’m good actually. I’d love to wander around a bit. It feels so different being here as a guest who’s on vacation and not someone who is up here to work.”

“They didn’t treat you as a guest before?”

“Of course they did, but my mind was set on other things. I never really got to take in the beauty of this place. Most of the time, I moved in and out through the employee tunnels and never spent much time topside within the resort. I’d even wondered why Mac had booked me into the B&B rather than the main resort, but then you and Jax just happened to show up, so it made sense as kids aren’t allowed to stay on Rawhide property.”

“Let’s walk. I want to show you something.”

Johnny led me down a pebbled path, hidden to the naked eye by tall hedges until we came out to a clearing. It was gorgeous and, by the looks of it, we were just past the Big House. Looking around, I took in everything and my jaw dropped in surprise.

“How did I not know this was here?”

“You’d have to be looking pretty hard and be willing to pass those restricted signs to get to it.”

“How did you know it was here?” I asked with a tinge of jealousy in my voice that I didn’t enjoy hearing.

Johnny rolled his eyes at my tone but chose not to comment on it. “I did a lot of research, had calls, meetings with Derek and Drake, all of it. You don’t really think I would take you here without knowing it was a safe place for us to play, do you?”