Page 6 of Roping Reba

Reba froze for the briefest moment before schooling her features. “You know I travel a lot to help horses.”

Jax pouted. “But why? Mac’s is the best place. And Papa’s there.”

I watched her carefully, waiting for her answer. She avoided my gaze, instead focusing only on Jax. “Because some people aren’t meant to stay in one place forever. As much as I love Serenity Stables, I like going to new places all the time and meeting new people. It’s fun to see how they run their ranches and to help their animals when I’m needed.”

Jax frowned but didn’t argue. I, on the other hand, had plenty to say about that. But I kept my mouth shut, for now.

When Jax was done, Reba pushed back from the table. “Alright, I really do have to go check on Black Beauty.”

Jax clung to her arm. “Promise you’re coming to Mr. Jagger’s today?”

She crouched down so they were eye level, a small smile tugging at her lips. “Promise. In fact, I’m going to head over as soon as I’m done in the barn, so I’ll see you guys there.”

Jax grinned and threw his arms around her neck, hugging her tight. She held him close for a second longer than necessary, then stood, her gaze flicking to mine. Something unspoken passed between us before she turned and walked out the door. I exhaled slowly, watching her go. Jax wasn’t the only one who wanted her to stick around.

“You almost ready, bud?”

“Yeah, but you still have to finish your food.”

I looked down at my plate. “I guess you’re right.”

Jax reached for my phone and I didn’t even stop him while he pulled up his favorite game and leaned back in his chair. He wasn’t a kid who wasted away on screens. Ranch life didn’t allow for it. I worked my way through the rest of my meal as I racked my brain for a way to break through to Reba. I’d known she was here before I came. We didn’t need to break wild horses. I could have arranged to purchase some that were already trained. ButMac agreed when I brought it up. He’d always had a soft spot for Reba that I decided to take advantage of.

Reba and I’d been two peas in a pod when we were younger, then I’d fucked it all up. But year after year I regretted it more and more. This wasn’t only a mission of training wild horses, I also needed to rope in Reba and bring her home. I just needed her to realize that sooner rather than later, because as much as I loved Rawhide Ranch, we had a ranch of our own to get back to.

I cleared my plate and cleaned up the crumbs Jax left behind before reaching for my phone. “Come on, buddy, let’s go check on those girls.”

He smiled up at me, almost as if he knew I was talking about more than the wild horses at Jagger’s place. Sometimes my kid was a little too smart for his own good.

The truck rumbled beneath us as we pulled onto the dirt road leading to Jagger’s ranch. Jax sat in his seat, swinging his legs as he stared out the window. For a few minutes, we rode in comfortable silence, the early morning sun casting a golden glow over the land.

“So… are you gonna marry Ms. Reba?” Jax asked suddenly, his little voice filled with curiosity.

I nearly choked on the to-go coffee Robyn, the B&B’s owner, had prepared for me. She’d handed Jax a matching thermos though smaller and filled with hot cocoa, instantly winning a place in his heart.. “That’s a big question for so early in the morning, bud.”

Jax shrugged. “You like her. She likes you. Seems like a good idea.”

I glanced at him in the rearview mirror, shaking my head. “She’s a little more stubborn than that, buddy. Besides, what makes you think she likes me? She’s always so mean.”

“She likes me,” Jax said confidently. “And I think she likes you, too. She just doesn’t know it yet.”

I chuckled. “You think so, huh?”

Jax nodded, then turned serious. “If she likes me, then she has to like you. Why did she leave before?”

My grip on the steering wheel tightened. I didn’t talk about the past much, especially not with Jax. But the kid had a way of asking questions that hit straight to the heart of things.

“Because I messed up,” I admitted. “And she thought she didn’t belong at the ranch with us.”

Jax frowned. “That’s dumb. She belongs with us.”

I smiled at his certainty. If only it were that simple. “Yeah, bud. She does.”

The rest of the drive passed quietly, except for Jax humming along to the radio. By the time we pulled into Jagger’s driveway, the place was already coming alive. Horses neighed in the pastures, the twins were playing in the front yard and Moira waved from the side of the house.

Jax unbuckled himself before I had the truck fully stopped, bouncing with excitement. “I see Ms. Reba!”

Sure enough, Reba stood by the paddock, her hands resting on the top rail as she watched the wild horses. The wind tugged at her hair, and for a moment, she looked completely at peace. But as soon as she spotted us, that familiar guarded look slid over her face. I sighed, shaking my head as I climbed out of the truck. Winning her over wasn’t going to be easy. But I was all in now.