Page 31 of Roping Reba

“Okay,” I said with a laugh, “Not running, got it.”

“I just want to get to my room and shower. Once I’m dressed for the day, I can think straight. We aren’t going to tell him, are we? Never mind, we’ll figure that out later. I need coffee. But what if we don’t tell him and he senses something is different between us? No, no, I can’t think about that right now.”



“Come here.”

“I told you I have to go.”

I sat up and reached for her, pulling her against me in the bed. “I know you are nervous. Just take a deep breath.”

Once I felt her settle into my arms, I placed a kiss on the side of her head. “Jax loves you. He will be over the moon that we are together. You know that.”

“Yeah, but what if something goes wrong and I have to leave again? That wouldn’t be fair to him.”

“First, nothing will happen and second, if it does, then we will work through it all. Other than my mother, you’ve been the most consistent woman in his life.”

“I’ve been gone for years, Johnny.”

“Not in his memory. We talked about his Ms. Reba all the time. You’re his favorite, so it wouldn’t be fair to keep this from him.”

She nodded, not fully convinced. “I still don’t want him catching me in here.”

“Fine, go shower. I’ll put some coffee on.”

Sometime later I was in the kitchen still in a pair of sweatpants I’d hastily pulled on and Reba surfaced fully dressed and ready for the day, reaching for the cup of coffee I held out to her. She took a sip and the sigh she let out went straight to my cock. I couldn’t help myself. I pulled her to me and covered her lips with mine only to hear the one sound that made me smile and her drop her cup of hot coffee, which managed to cover the entire oven and two cabinets.

“Yeah!” Jax’s little voice ricocheted through the house as he screamed his excitement at the sight in front of him. I kept laughing as I reached for a towel for the coffee and Reba was trying to wipe my kisses off her mouth as if Jax hadn’t just caught us making out.

“This is the best day ever!” Jax exclaimed, marching toward us, only to be stopped by Reba who didn’t want him to get cut on the broken coffee cup. “Ms. Reba, are you going to marry my papa now?”

Reba choked on what could only be her own spit as she shot me a dirty look. “Listen, buddy. Sometimes adults do things like kiss when they are just friends.”

“No, they don’t. Don’t lie to my boy,” I said with a smile. “Listen, bud, Ms. Reba and I are going to date for a while, okay? Then when she’s ready, I’ll ask her to marry me, but not one day before.”

Jax started jumping up and down as Reba took a swat at me, then covered her face with her hands as I pulled her in for a hug.

“At least we don’t have to hide now.”

“No, ma’am, we sure don’t. We’ve been caught by the authorities.”

We both laughed as Jax ran around the house as if he had just won the golden buckle at the rodeo and I turned to start breakfast. Up until this point, things had felt good. Normal really, but now everything we had was a whole new level of special.



Jax was staying the night at the big house with Mac and Athena’s kids and I was tied to our bed. The last few months had been a wild ride of learning more about kink and BDSM than I ever thought I would need to know. There was a club in New York City that Johnny had taken me to. We found mentors there who helped us move even further down the road we had traveled on our own, and I was amazed by the ongoing support of the community. We never played there, but we took classes and met with the people who were helping us. It was wonderful really. What I wasn’t amazed by was my current punishment that was being delivered by the man I loved. Orgasm denial. It was absolute hell, and I loved every bit of it.

“Tell me, Crazy Rider, why are you tied up and not allowed to come?”

“Because I was disrespectful.”

“You were intentionally disrespectful. It wasn’t an accident, it wasn’t uncalled for, but it was disrespect all the same. You know it and I know it. You had planned for this didn’t you?”

I couldn’t help the smirk that came over me. “It’s possible.”