She shot me a look. “You always this annoying?”
I chuckled, shaking my head. “Guess we’ll find out, won’t we?”
Reba rolled her eyes but didn’t argue, just started toward the house. I followed, watching the sway of her hips, the tension in her shoulders. I didn’t know if I’d ever win her over. But like she said, some things take time. And for her, I’d wait as long as it took.
“Should we break Jax’s heart and pull him away from those little ones?”
“I’d rather not. They look like they are having a blast.”
“Yeah, Sometimes I feel bad we don’t live in a neighborhood full of kids that he can play with, but then I see him with the animals at the ranch and the guys and I feel like he needs that too. Parenting is complicated as fuck sometimes.”
“I can imagine.”
“Do you want to grab lunch over at the Ranch? I can see if Jagger and Moira want to watch Jax for a little longer.”
Her gaze lingered on me for a second, hesitation clear in her eyes. Then she gave a brief nod. “Fine. But only because I’m starving.”
I smirked but didn’t push my luck. Instead, I turned back toward the house. The front door was propped open, probably left by my kid knowing him. I pushed it open further and found him at an oversized wood table with the twins chomping down on what looked like grilled-cheese sandwiches.
After asking Jagger if he and Moira would mind watching my boy, I made sure that was okay with Jax as well. “Hey, bud, want to stay here with Ms. Moira and Mr. Jagger for a little longer? I’m going to take Ms. Reba over to the Ranch for lunch.”
Jax didn’t even hesitate. “Yes!”
Moira laughed, shaking her head. “Go have some fun. We’ve got him covered.”
“Thanks, we won’t be long, but I hate to pull him away. We don’t have a lot of kids up at Mac’s.” I turned back to Reba. “Looks like it’s just us.”
Her lips pressed into a thin line as if she’d hoped Jax would join us, but she didn’t argue as we made our way to my truck. I opened the passenger door for her, but she ignored the gesture, climbing in on her own and reaching for the door to close it herself. Typical. I shook my head and walked around to the driver’s side. The ride to the Ranch was short, but the air inside the truck was thick with unspoken words. It was rare I had her alone and, honestly, I couldn’t remember any of those situations going well. I could feel Reba’s tension, see it in the way she kept her arms crossed, eyes on the passing landscape.
“So,” I started, keeping my voice casual, “what’s the plan after this?”
She turned to me, brows furrowing. “After what?”
“After the horses are ready to move.”
She shrugged, looking back out the window. “Don’t know yet. I’ll probably stay on here as long as they need help. Mac may want four, but that still leaves nine others.”
“You could come back to Mac’s ranch. Help me finish what we started here.”
Reba let out a humorless laugh. “We didn’t start anything, Johnny. You came to buy horses, I came to work with them. That’s it.”
“Mac and I could use your help, you know.”
“Oh really? My help? You all have a fully staffed ranch with multiple trainers who could work with them once you arrange transport. That’s not even including you and Mac. You don’t need me.”
“Why do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Always act like you aren’t needed anywhere. Reba, you are one of the best trainers in the business and you know it, but you deny it. Running all over the country working with different people just to leave and do it again. What are you running from?”
Her fingers curled into her jeans, jaw tightening. “You’re reading too much into it. I like to travel.”
I exhaled slowly, trying to keep my frustration in check. “I’m just saying you don’t have to bounce from one job to another forever. Mac’s place could be a good fit. A steady place to work and settle down.”
“And that’s what you think I need? Stability?”
“I think you need a place where you don’t feel the need to run.”