It’s not very organized but there’s a hell of a lot of useful stuff.
“Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.”
I already have a first aid kit and water in the pack I was using. After adding a space blanket and an extra flashlight I turn back toward the trailhead, trying to keep my heart out of my throat. Within minutes of hiking, it’s impossible to ignore that the sun is fully set. I try like hell not to imagine Anna sitting out in the forest in the pitch dark. She’s smart and strong and if I can’t find her right away, I’ll call for backup. It’s only been an hour or so since I last heard from her, but I decide to text Berg about what’s going on. The last thing we need is for more than one person to be missing or hurt. And at that thought, I feel physically ill. Anna could be more than lost. She could be injured.
I’m sick of the sound of my own voice having called out her name a hundred times. I don’t want to risk walkingright past her or having her be scared I’m some creep. I’m more than ready to hearhervoice. I’m about halfway through the route she should have taken when my flashlight illuminates something brightly coloured on the path. It’s a pink hair tie, still clean in its spot like it hasn’t been stepped on. There’s a good chance it’s hers. I crouch down where I found it, searching for a footprint or something to follow, when a gust of wind makes me pause.
For a moment, the distinct smell is obvious and then the wind subsides. Every few metres I stop to get my bearings. I’m tuned in to the smallest sounds, constantly hoping for another hint of smoke. A scream cuts through the darkness, I startle, nearly dropping the flashlight before I sweep the beam of lights through the trees.
“Oh, Christ.”
I cup my hands around my mouth, giving it my all, “ANNA!”
My lungs burn as I hold my breath for a response.
“Chris? I did it!”
What is she talking about? The only thing she’s done tonight is give me my first grey hair.
“Anna, where the fuck are you? Sorry, God, where areyou, Annie?”
I squint through the treeline at the tiniest hint of light. Branches hit me in the face, and I don’t even care as I speed up to get to her. My flashlight bobs erratically through the brush.
“Anna,” I say, more quietly as I break through the trees.
My breath goes out of me at the sight of her next to what is basically the most pathetic fire I’ve ever seen. But she made it, she fucking did that herself, so it’s top of the charts in my books.
“Look! I did it!”
She looks so proud, holding her arms out to display the flames that hiss as they crawl over the damp wood.
“You sure did, baby.” My voice is ragged after shouting her name.
Softer this time, emotion distorting her own voice, she repeats, “I did it. I did it.”
Tears form in her eyes. There was a time that would freak me out. But I don’t feel the urge to stop her tears, only to catch them for her. I spring into action, hands trembling as I slip my pack off my shoulders, and crash down on my knees to pull her into a crushing hug.
“I made a fire,” she croaks.
My throat aches, this time with emotion. “I’msodamn proud.”
That fire could have been the difference between life and death for her. Tears fall freely down her face.
“Your firestarter was in my bag.”
I press a kiss to the cold tip of her nose. “Little thief.”
Her soft giggle only turns into another sob.
“Sorry,” she says, “I haven’t cried yet. Well, not about this. You’re probably so mad you had to hunt me down.”
I cup the back of her head. “Mad? No, baby. Why would you think that?”