Page 58 of Unhurried Hearts

He chuckles and finishes giving me a nicer shower than I’ve given myself in ages. When my hair is washed and conditioned, he soaps downeverypart of me and wraps me in a towel the size of our tent.

Chapter twenty-four


Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows the wind whips up white caps along the strait. The dim overhead lighting casts soft shadows on Anna’s face, and now that the sunset has faded into an inky blue sky, I’m perfectly content to enjoy watching her. Her hair is down, cascading over her shoulders as she tells me every short and long-term goal she has for the salon. Isaac, Berg, Dean, and I all make business decisions together, but Anna is on her own. As far as I can see, that isn’t slowing her down one bit. I’m well aware we’rethatcouple as I hold her hand against the crisp tablecloth and her calf grazes mine beneath the table.I slow my pace so she can get more bites of the apple pie and ice cream we’re sharing for dessert.

She pauses, fork hovering over the plate. “Sorry, did you want the last bite?”

I shake my head. “Enjoy it.”

Scooping up the last crumbles of pie and melted ice cream, she takes the last bite with relish. After I settle the bill, I lead her out of the restaurant. I’m struck with the realization that I’m not ready for this date to end. I want to take her home to my bed tonight, feed her breakfast in the morning, and go for a Sunday drive along the ocean. There isn’t a part of my future I gaze into that doesn’t have her smack dab in the middle of it.

“Let’s go down to the beach.”

Her laugh is musical before it’s whisked away by the wind. She wraps her arms around herself and then I’m jogging in the direction of the Jeep.

“Hang on a sec.”

I’m back in no time, holding a hoodie over her head that she slips into, the sleeves covering her hands.

“It smells like you.”

Moonlight and the light from the restaurant give us enough visibility to pick our way along the rocks.

“Is this a good one?” I ask, stopping to grab a rock. “Good for painting?”

She wrinkles her nose. “No. Too porous. Look for flatter ones, ovals are good. Gives you a smoother and bigger surface area to paint on.”

“Got it.”

I keep my eyes peeled for the right rock, slowly plodding over the rocks that shift below our feet. The tide is falling, the scent of salt and seaweed intensifying as the ocean retreats. When my pockets are full of rocks and Anna is shivering, we head back up to the Jeep and drive the few short blocks back to her place. When we’re inside Anna heads to the washroom to change and take off her makeup and I settle into a barstool near her painting supplies.

“What are you doing?” Her sock feet are silent as she makes her way over to me.

I block her view with my shoulder.

“Can’t show you, it’s a surprise.”

“I thought you were collecting those for me.” She laughs, trying to peek. “C’mon, show me.”

“No way. Go somewhere else.”

Grumbling, she backs up and I hear her settle into her bed behind me and click on the television.

The painting is way harder than it looks. I absolutely screw the first two up, struggling to get the lettering to fit and be legible. Once I find the right brush it goes easier. By the time I’m happy with the final look, I have blue paint onmy sleeve and a stiff back from leaning close to my work. With overinflated pride, I turn on the barstool, ready to display my work, but she’s asleep.

Bathed in the blue light from a sitcom re-run, her chest rises and falls in an even rhythm. Who the hell am I that I lost track of time doing handicrafts while a beautiful woman fell asleep nearby? My stomach swoops at the overwhelming urge to not leave her. It’s been a couple weeks since our camp trip and there haven’t been many nights we’ve slept alone. Settling the rock that has both our names with a heart between them back onto the mat on her counter, careful not to smudge it, I get her place ready for bed. Gently, I peel the remote from her limp hand and undress before slipping in beside her. The cool sheets encourage me closer, seeking her heat. On instinct she reaches out when she feels me, tangling her smooth bare legs in mine, resting her heavy head on the edge of my chest. I didn’t even know I liked cuddling at night until Anna. Didn’t know I enjoyed holding hands across intimate restaurant tables or kissing and touching for hours before getting to the actual sex.

“Will you stay?” She murmurs, lips brushing my skin.

I draw her tighter to me as she stirs. “Not going anywhere.”

“Like it when you stay.” Her words slow as she slips back toward sleep.

“Me, too.”

Chapter twenty-five