Page 54 of Unhurried Hearts

She pats her chest, sipping some water.

“You know? I think I can. It’s tiring but rewarding. I haven’t even looked at my phone since we left yesterday. I can’t recall the last time I’ve had so much face-to-face interaction with someone who wasn’t a client or Ashlyn.”

Her comment gives me pause. I usually come out here so that I won’t have to talk to people and laugh and joke and interact. Here she is loving it for the opposite reason. It’s interesting that the same activity can yield such a different reward for two people.

She licks sticky jam off her index finger, popping her lips, the motion of her mouth affects me immediately.

“You okay?” she asks, eyes innocent like she doesn’t know what cleaning her fingers off like that does to me.

“Not if you keep sucking on your fingers like that.”

“Oh?” She moves to clean her thumb, pink tongue swirling for a moment. “Is it bothering you?”

More like making me hot and bothered. My pants feel a size too small as I throb against my zipper and picture her opening that mouth a lot wider to stretch around me.

I lean in, lowering my voice even though there’s nobody else to hear. “You just wait until I get that tent set up tonight and then I’ll give you something to do with that mouth.”

She grips my hard dick through my pants and my mouth goes dry while my heart hammers so hard she might see it through my fleece.

“But that’shoursaway,” she says, toying with my button before popping it open.

Before I can tell her that she doesn’t need to do this right here, right now, she’s slipped from her spot next to me to leaves crunching beneath her knees. I struggled to control my breathing at the sight of her pulling down my zipper. Before I can lift my ass to help work my pants and underwear down, she’s pulling me out of the opening in my boxer briefs.

“Fuck, Anna.”

She grins up at me, hair shining in the afternoon light as she leans in to place a firm kiss to the tip of my cock that makes my dick jump.

She startles at the sight.

“That means I like it.”

“Oh.” She shakes her head at herself. “I might be terrible at this,” she sighs, voice laced with nerves.

Literally impossible.

“You don’t have to do it all.” I shrug and smile down at her. “Or…I can talk you through it?”

Her nod is enthusiastic, a strand of hair falling out of her ponytail and brushing against my swollen head. Bracing her hands on my knees, Anna leans forward with her plush lips barely parted and kisses it. The sweet as fuck gesture resonates in my heart just as much as it does my dick. Eyes round and full of expectance, she glances up and I remember I’m supposed to be helping.

“Uh, grab me around the base.”

I suck in a breath as she does just that. Her right hand looks small and perfect holding onto me.

Telling her what to do, telling her what I want, is so damn different. A firm squeeze spurs me on to continue my instructions.

“Lick it, Anna.”

I expect a tentative dart of her tongue, but what she gives me is a generous lick more fitted for a melting ice cream cone. When she moans, my head falls back, the tree canopy opening above me like a tunnel to the sky. No, scratch that. Heaven. Her hot tongue is glorious. Each spot she lickscools quickly in the damp coastal air before she warms it all over again.

My voice is strained. “Take it in your mouth now.”

My breaths quicken, fingers biting into the rough bark beneath my palms. Readjusting her grip, she leans in closer and then I’m in her hot little mouth. I want to stay here forever, but I’m not going to last much longer if she keeps staring up at me with heat in those hazel eyes.

“Oh,fuck,” I grit out. “Fuck, Anna, that mouth.”

She smiles. Smiles while full of my painfully hard cock and before I realize it my right hand is full of her messy ponytail.

“Now move. Move up and down it.”