Page 5 of Unhurried Hearts

“Didn’t think of that. Never know if you’ve got company.”

No chance of that these days.

“No company lately.”

Berg smirks, “Dry spell?”

I try not to roll my eyes. If I’m in a dry spell, then Berg is smack dab in the middle of a drought. The guy acts like he’s never heard of a babysitter.

I find the playlist I want on my phone for my run and pop one earbud in. “It was time for me to stop screwing around.”

Berg nods, raising his eyebrows.

The rest of the neighbourhood is waking up, too. Parents ushering kids into minivans for ballet and fall ball. A formation of cyclists in spandex whir by. People walking dogs in their pyjama pants. West Isle is a good place to raise a family. This part of town is close to an elementary school, forested trails, and a few stores within walking distance. I grew up not far from here, my sister and I with my mom and dad. The door opens and Berg's youngestdaughter, Louisa, races down the steep driveway and launches herself at my thighs. I scoop her up, spinning her around until she’s dizzy. Natalie, the eldest, moves more slowly, wrapping her skinny arms around Berg’s midsection. She is absolutely miniature next to his huge frame. A chesty cough shaking her slight body.

“Not feeling so hot, Nat?”

She takes a deep breath and shakes her head. “Uh-uh.”

“That’s crummy, sorry,” I say.

“The oven beeped. Breakfast is ready, Daddy.” She looks up at him with green eyes, a spitting image of her father, right down to the red hair that frames her face.

“Well, we can’t be late for breakfast. Can we, Lou?” I ask Louisa, perched on my left shoulder.

“Nope!” She chirps.

“You want to join?” Berg offers.

“Nah, I’m going for a run!” I yell the last word and take off up the driveway while she giggles and bounces, screaming for me to go faster.

“Careful with my baby!” Berg calls after me.

“Precious cargo coming through!”

I set the lightweight down on the top step.

“Let me know if you need me to do some babysitting. Might do you good to have a littlecompany.”

Berg shoves his girls inside and out of the cool morning.

“Was talking to Isaac earlier. BBQ at his place tonight.”

“Yeah, I saw that in the group chat. I’ll be there.”

“Dean can’t make it, but Ashlyn’s cousin will be there.”

Last year the mention of Anna would have had me more than excited, but aside from the odd glance my way, Anna isn’t interested in me. She’s so far from the type of girls I spend my time with.Usedto spend time with. I’ve heard Anna and Isaac have a detailed discussion about payroll and employee benefits for god’s sakes. I once slept with a girl who typed the word ‘especially’ with an x. Berg goes to his breakfast, and I hit play on my music and start off on my jog. The image of Ashlyn perched on Isaac’s lap and me solo in a lawn chair pops into my mind. Before I can be jealous of my best friend, I remind myself that if I stick out this last month, I could be the guy with the devoted girlfriend on my lap. Hell, maybe one day I’ll be the guy with wild little girls.

Chapter three


“What do you mean I don’t need to bring anything?” I cradle my cell between my shoulder and cheek, clicking the print button on my laptop screen.

“We’ve got it under control, bring yourself. It’s probably one of the last BBQ nights we’ll have, so I’ve got everything taken care of.”

“If you insist. Who’s all coming?”