“I’m not going on a date with your ugly mug,” I counter, dodging his hand.
“Ha! Right,” Anna says at the exact same time Ashlyn scoffs.
Isaac and I pin the girls with a glare. The only remotely ugly thing about Dean is a slightly crooked nose. He hasa rugged demeanour and don’t-give-a-shit attitude that Isaac and I could never pull off.
“I’ll take Anna.”
Her eyes go wide as she looks to Ashlyn who nods at her encouragingly.
“Okay.” She finally glances up at me with a shy smile.
“Great! That’s settled. Get off my property.”
When everyone except Anna leaves the workshop, I hold open my arms and, finally, I have her where I want her again. She smells sweet, the weight of her body leaning against me a comfort.
“You ready to go?”
“I think so.”
I nudge the toe of her boot with my bigger one. “Those look cute as fuck, by the way.”
She tries to school her smile. “Stop. I’m trying to break them in like you said.”
I tip her chin up, and the fuzzy fabric she’s wearing can’t conceal the way her chest begins to rise and fall more quickly.
“I will not stop.”
I lean in and cover her pouty lips, soaking up her sigh. Pulling her closer, I settle back further against the workbench, wrapping my hand around the nape of her neck. She tastes like fresh coffee and her hair feels slightly damplike she washed it before she came. When she sighs her lips part and I slip my tongue into her mouth. Thrill zips up my spine at the thought of being caught. Not my usual source of adrenaline but I’m here for it. Anna kisses back with an enthusiasm I don’t expect, given the location. Nobody closed the workshop door behind them, and I can make out the soft tones of conversation somewhere else in the yard and the smell of crisp fall air. Settling my thigh between her legs feels like the right thing to do, so I skim my hands down her soft sweater and pull her ever so slightly by her hips as I nudge my leg forward. Immediately, she presses herself against me and moans with a level of urgency that I was not prepared for. I’m rock-hard now. Fuck, do I want to help her relieve that neediness.
“Chris,” she breathes, rotating her hips.
I can feel the heat of her core through her leggings and my pants.
“Jesus,” I gasp, taking her shoulders and holding her at arm's length.
Still too close, really. I don’t want her any less from this distance.
The gleam in her eye is more than mischievous.
“I’ll let you cool off and meet you at your place, okay? Can I leave my car parked there?
All I can do is nod as I watch her perfect ass sashay toward the door.
“Oh, Chris?”
I blink at her as she looks over her shoulder.
“I amveryready.”
Chapter twenty-one
“How are the shoes?” he asks for the tenth time.
“Still great,” I wiggle a foot, “I had an excellent personal shopper with me.”
“I’ve done my fair share of hikes, but never has one involved so much kissing.”