“What about you?”
“Nah, I’d already been sleeping for a while when you got here. I’m going to go for a run, maybe go get us something for breakfast.”
Another yawn forces her eyes shut. “Mmm hmm.”
I’d have her in my bed every damn night just to hear those yawns and see those stretches. When I remember I’m going away for two-nights next weekend, my shoulders droop. That’s only a few days from now. I’m not ready to be away from her again.
“I have a hike planned next weekend. Do you want to come with me?”
The plan came to me in the last five seconds, and I immediately liked it. What if Anna needed me late at night that weekend and I was gone? The idea of it pisses me off.
“Sounds good,” she mumbles, a sleepy smile on her lips.
Her answer makes my stomach flip with excitement. Having Anna all to myself for a weekend, showing her one of my favourite trails? I press a kiss to her cheek then grab some clothes for a jog. With this energy, I might just set a new personal record.
Chapter nineteen
“Itake it we aren’t going to that mall.”
With longing I watch the familiar shopping centre shrink from the passenger seat of the Jeep.
“Nope. Not much further now.”
Chris left me in an orgasm-induced state and the next thing I knew he was buzzing around the suite bearing bagels and an ungodly amount of enthusiasm. I scarcely had time to shower before he escorted me out the door. Now we’re heading away from West Isle and Chris is talking my ear off about light vs. ultralight hiking gear. His excitement is adorable even though I don’t have a clue what the difference is. I’d listen to him talk about 2x4sif it meant I could enjoy his voice. The hot chocolate we grabbed at a drive-thru is still warm when we pull into a massive parking lot surrounded by new big box stores, none of which I’ve ever shopped in. I lick whipped cream off my lip while Chris extends his right arm over the back of my seat and smoothly reverses into a spot near the entrance to a store.
“Outdoor Emporium?”I crane my neck to read the gigantic signage, a bus-sized moose with three-dimensional antlers peers over the sign.
“This place is sweet. You just wait.” He hops out and we meet by the tailgate.
“I’ll try to contain my excitement,” I say, eyeing the establishment with skepticism.
Familiar signage across the lot catches my eye. “Oh my God, is that a giant Hobby Lobby? We’re going there. After this weird moose store, we’re totally checking that out.”
He laughs, takes my hand, lacing his fingers with mine like it’s the most casual thing in the world. “Sure. Weird moose store place first, craft store next.”
Running errands with Chris on a Saturday morning has a distinct couple-y feel. He wasn’t even phased by me showing up to his place unannounced last night. He leansagainst the back of his Jeep and pulls me toward him, so our hips meet.
“You know that’s what we’re officially calling this place now? Weird Moose Store,” I say.
He tucks twin strands of my hair behind both my ears before clasping his hands behind my lower back.
“And what am I officially calling you now?”
He studies my face, head tipped expectantly.
That crooked smile lights up his face as he holds me tighter.
"Not maybe. Definitely."
Nothing could have prepared me for the state of the store. Taxidermy looms from every elevated surface. Wood and camouflage prints dominate the jam-packed shelves. I’m grinning by the time a display of what looks like mallard duck decorations catch my eye. I follow Chris through the maze of clothing racks, trying not to stare when a woman wearing head-to-toe camouflage holds a pink camo baby onesie up to her growing belly. I press my lips together to stifle a laugh when Chris raises his eyebrows at me. Along the back wall are tall metal cabinets and a service desk that runs the length of the store.
“Are thoseguns?” I whisper.
He nods.