Page 40 of Unhurried Hearts


“Maybe I should go to the other side?” I suggest.

I hear him sigh into the dark and then he arranges me so I’m the littlest spoon that ever spooned. My ass is wedged firmly into the hollow of his hips and his arm is slung over me, tucked beneath my breasts. The worries I arrived with aren’t something I need to take care of right now. Like Chris said, they are daytime problems.

“Sorry again for waking—”

He grunts. “If we’re going to be spending a lot of nights together, we need to sort out all this nighttime talking.”

Fresh energy surges through me at the thought of spending nights like this on the regular. I bet he can feel my thumping heart against his chest.

“Shh, Annie. Get some sleep. I’m glad you’re here.”

And it’s that admission that calms me, slowing my heart and my busy brain so I can drift off to sleep in Chris’s strong arms.

Chapter eighteen


There’s a five percent chance of extricating myself from Anna’s bear hug without waking her and a zero percent chance of her not noticing the morning wood that is pressed against her thigh when I do. I blow out a breath and trace the shapes on the popcorn ceiling, hoping I can chill the hell out before she wakes. Anna came here because she was distressed,notbecause she wanted me poking her when she woke up. It’s a miracle I even fell asleep with the way she kept wiggling.

Could I have given her some more space? Sure. Did I want to? Hell, no. The fact she ran to me last night makes me feel like a superhero. She murmurs somethingunintelligible and burrows deeper into the covers. She tucks one hand between her pink cheeks and the pillow and the other skims down my chest landing right on top of my crotch. Any headway I made in toning down my erection is immediately undone. Beneath her hot little hand, I am rock solid and when she inadvertently flexes it I tug at the roots of my hair, barely suppressing a groan. At the sounds of her contented, breathy sigh my hips take over and I thrust against her hand.


Great. She’s gonna think I’m coming onto her in her sleep.

“Sorry,” I say, scooting my hips back.

Her hand tightens around my package and my eyes go round.

“Why are you apologising?”

I don’t even know. Her hand is pressed so firmly against me that thoughts are hard. Leaving Anna’s house, the other night with a raging hard-on was difficult enough, and that’s after I jerked off beforehand. Waking up with her like this? I have no willpower left.

“Will you teach me?”

My breath hitches. “Wha—?”

“How to pleasure you?”

My cheeks burn and I’m grateful for the heavy curtains and a cloudy morning. Who am I to deny her request?

“You want me to show you how to make me come, Annie?” There’s an edge to my voice.

She squeezes my length in response.

“You made me come the other night. Fair is fair.”

“Hey,” I say, making sure she’s looking at me. “I did that to make you feel good. Because I enjoyed it,” I draw a deep breath, “a lot. Not because I expected something in return.”

She presses her lips together, barely hiding a smile.

“It feels like youreallyneed it.”

Good God.

“You might be a virgin, Annie.” I reach down to loosen the tie on my pants. “But you don’t fucking talk like one.”