I slow clap as he fills the glass. “Very impressive. You got lucky.”
He raises an eyebrow and laughs, and I forget how to breathe for a second.
“Only joking around, Annie,” he says, sitting down next to me and opening his palm to reveal two round pills.
I swallow them gratefully.
“I should probably restock my medicine cabinet if you’re going to continue taking me on adventures.”
“I’d also recommend a cream for bug bites.”
“Oh, joy. Can’t wait.”
“I’ll have you whipped into shape in no time.” His eyes widen at his own comment. “Not that there’s anything wrong with your shape.”
I smirk at his correction. Maybe I’m not the only nervous one.
“Are you okay with watching a movie here?” I pat the bed next to me.
The spot that’s always empty.
Tapping his lips with one finger, he scans my cream comforter and fringed pillow.
“Slide off, it’s not quite right.”
With only a moderate amount of pain, I scoot myself off the bed, wondering how long it will take for that medicine to kick in. I watch as Chris absolutely destroys my neatly made bed.
My mouth hangs open as he basically rips the duvet off and shakes it out like he’s tossing the place.
“Ijustmade that!”
“Well, I’m unmaking it. Who wants to watch a movie lying on top of the covers?”
Chris karate chops my pillows and, I admit, the whole thing does look more inviting. Should have saved myself the time of making it.
“Now go change.”
“Yeah, into something more comfortable.”
Like lingerie? Isn’t that what women in movies say when they sneak away to put on something fancy to woo their male visitors?
“I don’t really have anything like that,” I say as Chris flops back onto the bed, making himself at home.
He tips his head. “Anything like?” Recognition dawns on his face. “Comfortable like sweatpants…leggings…”
Heat floods my face.
The tips of his ears are red. “Did you think I wanted youto—”
“Nope!” I cut him off. “All good, BRB!” I say as I disappear into my bathroom.
“BRB?” I mouth at the mirror, wondering if it’s possible to drown yourself in a sink.
I swear I hear muffled laughter through the door. My fingers hesitate over the clasp of my bra for only a moment before I slide it off. He did say comfortable. Once I’m in my most oversized sweats, I take a fortifying breath and return to my bed. Chris is on the far side, leaving lots of space for me.
Maybe Ishouldbuy some lingerie? How am I supposed to turn Chris on in these frumpy sweats?