“I’m proud of you.”
He smiles and stands straighter. We’ve barely seen each other the past week. He’s either at the job site, in the workshop, or on the phone. I only came out here with my book to spend some time in his presence. When the pouting and stomping around persisted, I resolved to drag it out of him.
“You know we could…” He winks and gestures to the table behind him.
“In your dreams, Lauri.”
“These are healthy,” Mummo says, rubbing the vivid green stalk between her fingers.
She’s in her wheelchair next to my cedar planter with an umbrella attached to the handle to keep her out of the sun. She wanted to get out into the garden, and I was happy to oblige, even if it took some creativity.
“Thank you. I think some of the credit goes to you. This place has some major gardening magic.”
She laughs. “I won’t disagree. I wish that magic worked on the weeds.”
“Wouldn’t that be nice.” I take a sip from my water bottle.
I fall off my knees onto my butt, the blades of grass poking my bare thighs.
“What do you want to do for the rest of the day, Mummo?”
“It’s Sunday?” she asks.
I nod. “Sure is.”
She makes a show of looking contemplative, steepling her fingers.
We make eye contact and, at the same time, shout, “Backyard Shakeup!”
The television in the living room is easily the newest electronic item in the whole house. Purchased by Isaac a few years ago for his grandparents, it hasn’t had a lot of use. Mummo is the picture of comfort on the couch with a padded ottoman under her feet and a pillow behind her back for support. After introducing her to Backyard Shakeup, a Home and Garden Television show of over-the-top yard makeovers, it became her favourite. We’ve watched all the old episodes and new ones air on Sunday evenings. We’re sharing a bowl of popcorn when Isaac comes home.
I shush him as soon as he enters the room, “Shh, it’s almost the big reveal.”
“What are they revealing?” he whispers, sitting so close to me on the couch that I sink towards him.
“This guy did a huge backyard makeover for his parents. Outdoor kitchen, pond, the works.”
“Fancy-schmancy,” he says, using his inanely long arm to reach over and steal our popcorn.
“How was your day?” I just told him to be quiet, but I can’t help myself.
“It’s good now.” He lifts his arm and settles it around my shoulders.
“That was smooth as hell, Lauri.”
“Shhh,” he says, “it’s the big reveal.”
Chapter twenty-five
I’mdeadonmyfeet, but the farmhouse porch restoration is done. Every spindle sanded; each strip of wood stained. I have happy customers giving glowing reviews. My chest swells each time I think about my work. I race home to Ashlyn. No matter how long my days last, I’m coming home to my girls. Finding Ashlyn toiling away in the last semblances of light, making good use of the tools we purchased at the garden centre in the beautiful May weather makes my heart squeeze. I haven’t been able to get working on the yard like I hoped. Unless I’m going to take up nocturnal landscaping, it’s still going to have to wait. The urge to give the girls the perfect space is powerful.
Ashlyn kneels in the grass by her beloved garden box. Hair piled atop her head in a messy bun, she’s wearing my old Ford t-shirt that’s so long it covers the shorts I can only assume she’s wearing beneath it. Blades of grass cling to her bare feet, the soles nearly black. She hums as she bends to reach a stubborn weed.
“You know we have neighbours, right?”
Her head whips around, shining spade in her hand.