Page 51 of Lovingly Restored

The idea makes me want to drop the blanket and beckon him out the door and into the steamy spray. But bathing together is couple stuff. And staying in the same room? That’s not what either of us signed up for.

“No way, Lauri.”

I can’t miss the slight frown the plays across his mouth.

It takes an immense effort to walk to the door. The comforter rustles behind me, and when I turn, Isaac stands there utterly naked. I try not to let my eyes drop. I really do. Damn my excellent peripheral vision, though, because I can tell he’s erect again. A fresh blush spreads across my face and chest.

He reads me like a book, and says, “Babe, you should like that I want you so bad.”

I gulp, allowing myself the briefest glance between his legs before tearing my eyes away again. I do like it. Oh, so very much. But it’s not the arousal that’s currently reviving itself between my thighs that has me turning pink. Isaac offered me the best of both worlds.

Casualsex with someone I can trust.

But what happened between us tonight wasn’t casual at all. I step forward and rise on my toes, careful to keep my hips from making contact with his. If his parts touch my parts, I’m a goner. I’ll never leave. He looks down at me, a quizzical expression on his face like he’s trying to see something right behind my eyes.

“Thanks,” I say, pecking him on the lips.

His eyebrows knit together. “Thanks?”

“Yeah, for like…everything.”

He puts his hands on his hips, and I can tell he’s unimpressed. On second thought, maybe thanksisn’tthe right thing to say in these situations. But, of all people, why would I know that?

“See you,” I say, probably making it worse.

He huffs as I turn and open the door.

“Right. See you ’round, pal.”

Pal? Oh, god.

I rush down the hall, tripping on the blanket tangling between my legs. How did I manage to take a mind blowing sexual experience and cap it off with the most awkward goodnight of my life? Safe in the confines of the jade green bathroom, I twist the tub tap. Leave it to me to take something sexy and fun and throw a wet blanket on it bythankingthe guy. I watch the cold water swirl down the drain, and a similar sensation of frigidity settles into my stomach. There’s no way Isaac will want to continue after this.

Chapter seventeen



You know that mind-melting, heart-harrowing, panty-peeling sex we had? Thanks. Something shifted for Ashlyn between the time she draped herself over my body and when she rushed out of my bedroom door. What was it? Fuck if I know. Did I think we’d sleep curled in each other’s arms until dawn broke? No. But I sure ashelldidn’t expect a closed-mouth kiss and the cold shoulder. A high five would have been better than that. Ashlyn blew my mind that night, and I haven’t been able to forget the good parts for a second. I spend my days in a near constant state of arousal and hardly sleep because the woman I want desperately is mere feet away. She’ll barely look at me, and I’m going to find out why as soon as I have a spare moment to do something other than breathe.

Mummo’s main ask on her to-do list was something I should have done years ago. Adding a ramp to the front porch is a no-brainer, and with the help of Berg, Dean, and Chris, we got it done in only a few days. The timing couldn’t be more perfect, because our business has its first real job. Next week we’ll be refocusing our efforts toward a full restoration of a farmhouse porch. The lumber is ordered, the plans are drawn, I’m ready. Nervous as hell. But ready. Between my worries about the project and agonizing about what’s going on in Ashlyn’s mind, I’m exhausted. The workshop has been my home for days, and aside from going inside for sleep or a quick shower, I’ve barely crossed paths with Ashlyn or Mummo. I’m not avoiding her, per se, just…giving her a wide berth. Waving bye in the kitchen on my way out the door isn’t going to give us the time we need to figure things out. I can only hope that when we do sit down and get to the bottom of her feelings, that it’s not too late. Will Ashlyn have rebuilt the wall between us that we worked so hard to break down? I’m finishing up a few things in the workshop when I hear a grunt of frustration outside. I cock my head to hear better and make my way to the closest window.

“What the actual hell…”

Ashlyn is out there dressed in some sort of coveralls, head down and muttering, going to town on a weed-laden garden bed. There’s almost no delineation between the once neat beds and the too tall grass of what barely passes for a yard. The tool in her hand is taller than she is, an ancient rake that looks like it belongs in an agricultural exhibit of a museum. I make my way outside and clear my throat as I approach, having learned my lesson about sneaking up on women, especially those holding vintage farming implements.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

She doesn’t skip a beat, driving the rake into the dry soil and tangled weeds. “What does it look like I’m doing, Isaac?”

“Struggling?” I bite my lip to keep from grinning as she turns to scowl at me, blowing some loose strands of hair from her face.

“I’m gardening.”

She has fire in her eyes, but it doesn’t convey complete hatred, so I’ll take it.

A voice sing-songs across the yard, “Put your back into it, girl!”