Page 31 of Lovingly Restored

“Why would he be when he gets to live with you?”

“Believe me, I’ve not been the best roommate. I put him on my chore chart.”

Anna snorts. “You didn’t.”

“I absolutely did.” I long yawn stretches my mouth, “I’m tired.”

“You’ve been working hard. It will be worth it when you get your place.”

My savings account isn’t looking as juicy as I’d like. Real estate prices only keep climbing.

“Anyways, I’m calling to ask if you want to go out tomorrow night.”

Catching up on sleep should be my top priority, but I’m overdue for fun.

“I’d hate for you to break your curfew…” she says slowly.

My eyes narrow. “I know what you’re doing.”

She shrugs dramatically enough for me to see her shoulders come into the frame.

“I don’thavea curfew. Isaac is going to be here.”

Mentally, I run through my to-do list. I was going to take Mummo to get a haircut somewhere. A better idea pops into my mind.

“I’ll go out.”

She gasps.

“But, you have to do me a favour beforehand.”

I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of it before. A smile plays across my lips as I listen to Mrs. Lauri chat behind me in the kitchen while Anna cuts her hair. Doing this at home allowed me to wet her hair safely in the comfort of her own bathroom and avoid the stresses of the busy salon. Anna hurried over after work this afternoon and forced me into the shower first so she could trim some layers around my face and blow my hair out before our night on the town. How long had my cousin been bugging me to go out with her? Probably too long. I’ll have a drink or two, dance with cute guys unrelated to my patient, and let loose. Living in a beautiful old house with a senior citizen and simultaneously fighting and flirting with Isaac hasn’t exactly been checking all the boxes in the recreation department. I’m tense. On edge. Okay, horny.

Anna stands behind Mrs. Lauri, a gleaming pair of rose gold scissors in one hand and a black, fine-toothed comb in the other. They’ve been chatting non-stop about anything and everything. My cousin chose the perfect profession because not only can she make anyone look amazing, but she has the gift of the gab that gets them to open up to the point that she’s joked she should also charge a fee for counselling. It must be her special skill set that has Mrs. Lauri talking more than I’ve ever heard. It doesn’t seem to upset her at all to tell stories about her late husband, who she’s been calling Jakey or “my love”. She even shared some funny anecdotes about Isaac, the “Little One”, a nickname that makes Anna snicker every time she hears it. There’s nothing remotely small about that man…and I’m guessing that applies everywhere. I shiver at the thought even though I’m standing over a pot of steaming cream of broccoli soup. Ladling some into a shallow bowl for Mrs. Lauri’s supper, I watch as my talented cousin holds out an oval mirror and Mrs. Lauri gazes at her reflection, turning her head side to side, admiring her fresh look. A broad smile spans her face and lights her eyes.

“Thank you, young lady. What do I owe you?”

“It’s on the house.”

“Guard your purse,” I tell Anna. “She’s one of those grandmas that’ll slip at twenty into your bag if you’re not looking.”

Anna laughs. “Sweet, where do I sign up for one of those?”

As I’m stirring the soup in the bowl, blowing on the surface, I see Isaac and Chris cross in front of the window over the sink. I guess we’d all been too busy chatting and laughing to hear the truck. A moment later they enter and Chris surveys the room, wiping his hands against his thighs to clean them, but his pants are so covered in sawdust that it makes no difference. Isaac steps up behind his friend, filling out the doorway. My stomach does a stupid somersault at the sight of him, at the way I have to tilt my chin to look up. In a couple hours I’ll be out at the bar, dancing with Anna, and this man will be the last thing on my mind. Chris’s eyes settle on Anna since she’s the only unfamiliar face in the room, and I jump at the chance to introduce them.

“Chris, meet Anna, my cousin.”

“Hi,” Anna says, offering him her hand.

Chris doesn’t hesitate to take it. “Nice to meet you.”

Isaac rounds the table to kiss Mummo on the cheek, causing Mrs. Lauri to giggle and bat at his chest.

“Mummo, you look beautiful!”

“What is it with men saving their affections for when they are at their filthiest? Pappa did the same thing.”

“This is your doing, I take it?” Chris turns to Anna, leaning over the back of a dining chair.