Page 11 of Beauden & Yelena

After turning around, I say, “Canceled. I have a free day today.”

I take a really long look at him. He’s dressed in all brown: his pants, button up, leather jacket, and hat. His milk chocolate clothes against his dark chocolate skin look like the perfect dessert. I smile in pure adoration and he takes that as the cue to step closer.

“Want to hang with me?” he asks.

Absolutely.“I’m intrigued,” I say with a smile. “What are we going to do?”

“Hang,” he says smugly and I think it’s cute. The fact that he rarely smiles is so damn sexy.

“That’s very vague of you. Well, can you at least tell me if I’m dressed properly for hanging?”

After he extends his hand, I accept it and he pulls me up. His eyes travel my body. Staring into my eyes, he says, “You look beautiful.”

“Thanks, but is it okay?” I ask. I’m dressed simply in black jeans, a black oversized sweater, and brown knee boots. My brown wool peacoat is in my room.

“It’s perfect,” he replies. Then, he runs the pads of his fingers across my barely exposed shoulder. Every nerve in my body vibrates at his touch. “But you are going to need a coat.”

“Okay. I’ll be right back.”

Excitedly, I rush back to my room and grab my coat. The small amount of time we spent together at breakfast wasn’t enough. I’m actually looking forward to hanging with him. When I return to the great room, he’s standing in front of the fireplace, adjusting the logs.

“I think I’m ready,” I announce and he walks over.

With his hand on the small of my back, he leads me out of the room. When we step out, the damn goat rushes toward us. I stiffen and he pulls me into his side.

“Be easy,” he mumbles in my ear. “Billy’s really harmless.”

When it circles around us, I try really hard to relax. However, the minute he rubs his face across my leg, I jump and he runs off. I can’t help it. “Shit,” I utter, a little disappointed in my reaction. This is the second time I’ve acted like a damn fool with this goat in front of this man. “I scared him.”

“I can call him back.”

I look up and he has a smug look plastered on his face.

“Nawl, I’m good,” I reply and he chuckles. He leads me to an ATV. There’s a blanket on the back of the seat. After grabbing it, I drape it across my legs. When he’s on the driver’s side, I place one hand on his knee. “Can I at least have a hint about our excursion?”

“Midnight Love,” is all he says.

When I eye him curiously, he still doesn’t volunteer any more information. With those two puzzling words, we drive away from the lodge and pass a few barns before pulling up a huge stone brown and white home with multiple doors. Without saying a word, he kills the engine, steps out, then comes to my side. A true gentleman, he extends his hand and I accept.

We walk to the side of the house and I see through the large opening that it’s a stable.The horses.A huge smile appears on my face because I’ve always been fascinated with horses. Although large animals, they are angelic in my eyes. Horseback riding was the only team builder I was actually looking forward to.

After noticing my smile, he asks, “You like horses?”

“I love them,” I answer immediately. “But from afar. Never been close to one though.”

“You do realize they are bigger than goats?”

“Mr. Phox, I’m well aware of that but thank you so much for your expert observation,” I quip sarcastically and he blesses me with that sexy half smile. Then, he leads me into the huge stable and my excitement increases at the sight of the majestic horses inside. They are, in fact, huge but very pretty. “How many do you have?”

“Twelve right now but three more on the way. I breed and show them.”

As we walk through the long opening, I notice a man walking out of the last stall. He’s leading the most beautiful horse, a huge all black one. Its fur is so pristine it appears to be shining and the hair on its back and tail looks amazing.

“Oh my god! What kind of horse is that?”

“He’s very rare; my prize show horse. A black Thoroughbred stallion that I’ve had for three years.”

“He? I thought stallions were females.”