She shudders again. Her hamstring muscles tense up again and she balances on the balls of her feet as she adjusts herself on the platform. She’s so fucking hot. Her body is only half of it. Her energy must be the rest. Everything about her is so fucking… womanly. I spread her ass cheeks apart. She makes her best effort to disguise her wincing. But I notice.

She can feel the pain, she just doesn’t show it. There’s something admirable about her commitment. Beyond that — it’s exactly what I crave. It’s what I have always been missing. I move forward between her legs, touching her entrance gently with the head of my dick, ensuring that I can maintain my complete control over the situation. Once I touch her pussy lips, I have to fight back an early climax.

I push down hard enough to hurt her and slide every inch inside her with one stroke. This time, she yelps. It’s too much pain. After everything I did to this woman’s ass, this is where she draws the line.

“Fuck, you’re tight,” I grunt, forcing back my climax. I need to feel more of her. I can’t cum now. Her pussy grips me like she has control over every muscle. Heat spreads through my body. I’ll only have a few good strokes before I cum. I pump inside her quick and hard with no consideration for her pleasure. But she must be feeling something because she moans along with my last thrust and I feel her pussy milk the cum out of my cock.

I losewhat little control I had. I lean over her body and moan as I cum inside her. It’s the best orgasm of my life. She moans beneath me, adding to my pleasure. Her pussy dripsour juices onto my feet as three thick spurts of my seed coat this woman’s walls.

This is it — heaven. I kiss her lower back while I touch her ass cheeks, enjoying the shape of her body and the warmth from the places I spanked until she bruised. She adapted well to being paddled. Fuck, she was perfect. She is perfect. Her pussy drips as I slowly withdraw my dick from her tightness. I can’t breathe if I stay inside her. I’ll never regain control over myself if I don’t pull out.

Pure panic immediately replaces my pleasure when I realize that I only paid her for one night, and none of the other girls ever come back. Why would she? I hold her tightly beneath me, knowing that I’ll have to let her go — but absolutely certain that in the near future, I’ll want her back.

Chapter Six


Idid it. I left his house, got what I needed and… I’m free. I survived the night and now I have all the cash I need to get thefuckout of this empty wasteland of a state.

My ass achesthe entire drive, but I don’t care. I take more Tylenol than prescribed, stop as frequently as I dare and spend money like it’s going out of style. I’ll save the rest of the cash once I get an apartment, but for now, I am rewarding myself for surviving a crazy white man’s sex dungeon. I entirely forget about the pregnancy risk as my drive to escape pushes me to just… go. The caffeine I consumed is far more than my body is used to and I’m not really thinking straight about anything except the highway.

I might have pushed myself too far this time. No matter how much of that Kiwi Watermelon flavored shit I put back, I flash back to that crazy man’s sex dungeon with vivid visualizations. I can’t get rid of the phantom scent of leather or the allspice scent coming off the velvet. The memories are burned into my brain, which I don’t want at all.

Energy drinks and desire to leave the desolate ass Midwest get me all the way to Chicago. Yes, it’s still technically the Midwest, but it isnothinglike Oklahoma. Trust me. The city is exactly as I remember it as a kid. We lived in Kenwood at my aunt’s house before my dad did something to piss her off and we were out on our asses. My childhood was filled with extremes and to me, the Midwest has always been the worst end of those extremes. Extreme poverty. Extreme racism.

I dreamt of coming back here. Nostalgia isn’t enough to find me a good place to sleep, so I find the first McDonald’s I can once I get into the city limits and use my phone to book a Marriott hotel for one night. That extra $1,700 from the bonus Rage gave me is plenty for me to pay for that too. I feel giddy. Whoever said money doesn’t solve all your problems has never known the thrill of a big win.

I forget all about my bruised up backside until I get checked into the hotel, lock most of my possessions in the trunk and take my overnight bag upstairs. I willnevergo back to America’s frothy butthole ever again. Sorry, Oklahoma, but do better.

When I strip my outside clothes off to get into the fancy ass hotel shower – although I would have found a glass of clean water fancy at this level of grime – I catch a glimpse of my ass in the mirror and noticing the dark purple bruises reminds me of everything. The strong, visual flashback makes me insanely dizzy. I feel like I’m being hysterical, except there’s no one to get attention from. This response is very real.

I can smell Rage’s cologne. Feel the heat of his palm against my ass. I still ache between my legs from the sheer girth of his dick. I can’t taste him anymore, but with the strength of my flashback, it’s almost like his dick is forcing itsway into my mouth again. I can’t breathe for a few seconds until my brain jerks back into action and a huge breath of air causes the flashback to fade into the background.

I gasp for air and make eye contact with myself in the mirror as if to prove to myself that I’m really here – safe in this hotel room and very far away from the man who brutalized my ass with a wooden paddle and then…

Heat rushes to my cheeks as I feel an embarrassing gush between my legs following the painful memory. I don’t know what this man did to me, but I understand why the other women never went back. I can bear the pain. I can’t handle the rest of it. The confusion.

My phone buzzes.

Unknown Number: I want you again.

No.I don’t have to ask any questions to know it’s him.

Unknown Number: Turn your location on.

What the fuck? Oske is the only person who has my phone number and she’s more loyal to herself than those white boys, despite what they think. Her people have pretty good reasons not to trust them, so I stay out of it. The entire time I’ve known her, she has never been dishonest. Manipulative? A little. But never dishonest. She promised me she would keep my secret.

Unknown Number: Location on. Now. I can see your read receipts.

I quickly shut the chat.My phone buzzes again. Notifications pop up on my home screen and I stare at them with confusion and more importantly – terror. Do I really believe this man could hurt me?

Unknown Number: I can find you without it, but this will be much easier if you turn it on.

Unknown Number: Don’t provoke me.

Unknown Number: I enjoyed fucking your mouth.

Unknown Number: Location on. Now.