It feels like I stumbled into a family like one I’ve never had before. I wish Tazara could be here… Although, how would I explain this life to her? The bikers are crude, rough around the edges, they drink like crazy, half of them gamble…

But there’s just so much love in their club that I want to soak it all up.

Not everyonein the club can make it to our shower, but there are enough folks here that I feel genuinely celebrated. I never thought I would be in this type of situation – from getting pregnant in the first place tothis– a group of people who genuinely give a crap about me enough to celebrate me and my baby.

After mingling with our guests, playing a few crazy baby shower games, and snacking on some delicious baby-themed treats, it’s finally time for the big moment. Tylee gets the attention of all our guests and Deacon holds the small of myback as he guides me outside for the news. The situation makes me excited to find out even if I never cared before.

The large wooden crate sits in the distance as the sun starts to set, making it eerily beautiful considering we’re about to blow something up to find out our child’s gender. Deacon can’t contain his excitement.

“I’m suspicious this whole thing was his idea,” Hunter mutters to Wyatt right before Deacon and I separate to get to our shooting spot. This is the part of the party planning I left to Tylee…

She strapsus up with ear muffs – each of our guests got ear muff party favors they can reuse after our insane reveal – and hands Deacon the rifle. We crouch down together like we practiced during the rehearsal. Deacon holds the weapon, I pull the trigger. As our bodies slide closer together, my heart races with new excitement to just… celebrate.

Sure, maybe the gender of your baby “doesn’t matter”, but when you’re pregnant and never thought it would happen for you, there’s this strong desire to celebrate every moment that unfolds.

My finger hovers over the trigger. Deacon steadies the muzzle and I pull it, trying not to fly back too far into Deacon’s torso from the kickback. The boxexplodesand it’s hard not to ride that wave of exhilaration. I want to jump up and down before I even recognize the color. Once shards of the wooden box fly apart, the plumes of colored powder in the shape of thickly formed smoky clouds fill the air around the box in a giantmushroom…


It’s a boy…

It’s a boy!Deacon tosses the weapon to Tylee and we throw off our ear muffs, no need for us to exchange words. We throw our arms around each other and kiss. Hard. Deep. In front of everyone.

We’re goingto have a boy!

Chapter Thirty-Seven


Our baby comes home…

They don’t tell you how strange it really feels to go to the hospital with two people and have to come home with a third person, who you are now responsible for. I have no idea what to do and wonder if maybe we’re in over our heads. The last few weeks, I’ve been nesting like crazy while Keyshawn lies on the couch with hot water bottles on her lower back. But it’s finally here, we’re bringing John Henry Hollingsworth home.

Keyshawn seems tired, but she still hates doctors and begs for us to come home as soon as possible. We’ll have to be up in a couple hours for her to feed the baby again, but for now, we get to put him to bed and get a little sleep. Hold each other. I can’t wait for that. Keyshawn climbs into bed and her ass pushes against my crotch, which gets me painfully hard.

For the sake of keeping Keyshawn happy and healthy, wehad to abstain for the last few weeks and we still have more time without sex.

“Is the new playroom done?” Keyshawn murmurs, saying it sleepily as if she can just pretend she didn’t ask about our sex dungeon minutes after climbing into bed with me.

“I’m not going to touch you,” I whisper, kissing her neck.

“That’s not what I asked,” Keyshawn mutters testily. “I asked if it’s done.”


“How are we going to make that work with a baby?”

“My job,” I murmur, kissing her neck. “Not yours…”

2 Months Later…

Our Small Wedding

We debatedwhether our wedding should be as big and theatrical as the gender reveal party, but eventually agreed on getting married out in the field behind Ruger’s cabin with a small cadre of guests. Mom sat up front next to dad’s picture, so he could be there in spirit. She cried the entire time and after a few glasses of champagne before the ceremony, she told me she was surprised that I was getting married at all.Thanks mom.

Keyshawn’s cousin out in Boston – Amanda – never replied to the wedding invitation, and my beautiful wife was a little bent out of shape over having “nobody” on her side of the family at the wedding. Bullshit. We’re not two sides, we’re just one family. But I understand her emotions are running high and want to make everything better for her.

I ask her if she wants to elope in Vegas, but she insists that she wants to get married outside and “somewhere pretty”, so we get married out on Ruger’s land in the late fall. The Shaw brothers drove East for some family business, so only the Rebel Barbarians out in the Midwest and further out make it to the wedding.