Most women would wantto know how many carats the ring has…

“Cute. As. Fuck.”Zayna confirms.

“Is that a yes?”I ask Keyshawn.

She wrinkles her nose. “Yes… Is this a trick?”

“It had better not be,” Zayna says. I ignore her intrusion because she’s at least on my side here…

“It’s not.You blew up my house. I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

“Amen, brother,”Ruger says, sliding a bottle of whiskey across his kitchen counter. “And ma’am… I highly recommend you marry Mr. Hollingsworth. He’s a decent man and very rich.”

Chapter Thirty-Six


The Gender Reveal Party

Isaid yes. Of course I said yes to Deacon. I have a deeply fucked up attachment to this man that I never want to change. Deacon confesses something after we get to a hotel that first night.I want to have a gender reveal party for the baby…

He’s the one forcing me to do all this doctor stuff and I don’t care what gender my baby is… I’ll find out eventually! Newborns all look like adorable Tamagotchi pets. I already got yellow and green clothes. But Deacon insists and I can’t bear to say no, even if he says that I have to agree to tell everyone that I “forced him” to have a gender reveal party.

I don’t know who the fuck he thinks will believe it’s my dream to fire an M-16 at a model deer that blows up with colored smoky powder that indicates our child’s gender. But who am I to argue?

Deacon made me call Tazara that first night after we leftRuger’s place, forcing me to face the fact that I am always going through some embarrassing, crazy shit once more. Tazara doesn’t judge me. She’s happy that I’m safe and says that my man “has a sexy voice”, which is a compliment I appreciate. (And she’s totally right.)

The grenade situationprevented us from moving back into the house I honestly was growing attached to before Zayna tossed her grenade in there. I thought we would move somewhere far away from any potential future attackers, but Deacon’s solution is even crazier than that.

He has several businesses to run nearby, and apparently protecting me is his utmost priority. He buys five large houses on a little over a hundred acres of land for hunting and currently, for our gender reveal party. The model deer with “Buck or Doe” painted on the side has its own hilltop until Deacon and I blow it to smithereens later.

Deacon chose our house out of the five he purchased based on the size of the basement.

“I have big plans for both of us,” was all he said about the basement.

I have biggerproblems than Deacon’s future playrooms, honestly. I am pregnant enough to burst at any moment, hungry all the time, and I have to fire a semi-automatic weapon at a deer in about an hour. Luckily, I don’t exactly have to host the party on my own, since I have help on the way.

Zayna doesn’t have party planner energy, but she knows some of the other women affiliated with the Barbarians, and assembles a team of women who planned everything, even ifthey don’t even know me. Our house and patio are completely decorated for the event, with a clear view of the model deer.

The head of the planning committee, Tylee, arrives first. She barks orders at the kids who pile out of the Toyota 4Runner holding a cake and cookies. Deacon sips a beer as he sits on the front porch, watching.

“Are you pregnant too?” Tylee barks at him. “Get your ass up and build a bonfire.”

“We don’t even have guests yet. Can’t I enjoy a beer?”

“No guests? Fine. Go rub Keyshawn’s feet.”

I don’t even wanta foot rub, but there’s something entertaining about watching Deacon of all people let someone boss him around. He turns red and I lean back on the opposite porch swing while I receive the best foot rub of my life. Deacon gives me a mean little look like he’s going to punish me for that later.

Considering how long it’s been since we were last in one of his sex dungeons, I have a lot of punishments coming my way.

Wyatt and his wife Anna show up next with their kids, and Juliette shows up with Hunter a few minutes later, three kids in tow. Ruger and Zayna work the room basically glued together. Saraya is only a couple months old. They won’t be able to stay long, but Zayna apparently insisted that they get out with the baby for some fresh air. Ruger glares at any of the other bikers who get too close to them.

Tamiya and Gideon sent a gift because they’re occupied with their newborn. The diaper tower is seriously the biggest I haveeverseen. Our little one will have enough to last at least a year, although Tamiya’s card mentioned that Iwould go through them in less than two months. I hope she’s not serious. Can something that small produce enough poop to fill a diaper tower worth of diapers in a couple months?

Motherhood feels a little less scary with them all, even if this is the strangest group of rough, redneck ass bikers and black women of various shapes and sizes that I ever met.

Ryder shows up about half an hour after the party really gets going with his wife, who I’ve never met before. I didn’t know he was Hunter’s twin brother, but when he walks in, I get that little ‘identical twin jump scare’. His wife is tiny, mixed race with black, but I can’t tell the other race. Ryder introduces me to Joslin, who has a pretty smile and a posture like a dancer.