I hang up without waiting for goodbye or risking this woman asking me more questions. She seems nosy. I light up a second cigarette. I absolutely hate how little control I have over this situation and nicotine feels like the only fucking thing that can calm my mind down.
“Cousin claims she’s at my house,” I tell Wyatt.
He asksthe same question that I did. “But she didn’t call the cousin to say she got there safely?”
“How secure is your house?” Wyatt asks.
“Secure enough.”
He raises an eyebrow.“You don’t sound sure.”
“We should sleep.”
“Three hours.”
I don’t likethe idea of sleeping, but I would rather get to sleep than crash the Ducati. I need to turn this information around in my mind. And anyway, it could just be paranoia. Maybe Keyshawn got home safely and she’s just waiting for me…
Chapter Thirty-Four
The bald fat man descends the stairs, giving me and Zayna our opportunity to act. We only get one chance. He comes around the corner with two bags of McDonald’s. Zayna and I exchange glances and start our fake fight.
“You are crazy! He’s MY baby daddy!” she says before faking a slap across my face. I scream loudly and stumble backwards.
“YOU BITCH!” I yell back. We tumble onto the bed together. Zayna acts like she’s beating the shit out of me and the bald guy immediately falls for it. He unlocks the jail cell and we rush his ass. He might be big, but the element of surprise works. Zayna and I shove him back and as he falls over, I kick him in the nuts so Zayna can get the pistol out of his holster.
Thanks to Deacon’s creepy ass soundproofing… we can get away with it.
“Can the soundproofing hide a gunshot?”Zayna asksas she stands over the bald guy and puts a bullet into the chamber.
I cover my ears, but I don’t know if she hears my answer or even waits for it. She fires twice.Semi-automatic. Nice.But we both can’t hear shit because you need more than your hands to muffle a pistol going off. She grabs my hand and we run towards the stairs. Doesn’t matter if they heard us….
We needto get out of here and blow up my baby daddy’s house…
This is fucking crazy.Zayna throws the basement door open and fires again. I watch her body jerk from the kickback but the ringing in my ears is still too loud for me to hear. She glances around in confusion for a second because she doesn’t know where the exit is, so it’s my time to take over.
I grab her hand and we race for the door. I can feel the floor vibrating as the remaining bikers in the house chase us, but we make it to the door first. I glance over my shoulder and see Zayna holding something small and black in her hand. Metal clinks to the ground and she forces me to let go of her, tossing the grenade into Deacon’s house.
She mouths at me, “RUN!”
We both run faster.Pregnant as hell, but running for our lives. Just as she’s about to pass me, Zayna grabs my hand to pull me ahead of her. I hear the explosion, but we both getenough distance from the house that there’s just the loud noise and then…fire.
Zayna shows me the key she got off the bald guy. We just have to fit it into the correct bike and we’re free. I don’t know what they did with the keys to the rental – or the car itself. I watch the front door of Deacon’s house while she finds the correct bike. She gets it right on the third try. I have no idea how to ride and I don’t particularly want to ride without a helmet but… what choice do we have?
Zayna straddles the bike and gestures with her chin towards the seat. I can sort-of hear her a little better, but I still have to read lips.
“... my husband’s house…”
Sounds good.I hop onto the back and wrap my arms around her. Thick plumes of black smoke erupt from the front door. Zayna revs the bike and wobbles a little as she accelerates towards the main road and away from Deacon’s burning home.
She rides out towards the highway and we head north. I catch my breath, but I don’t know if I should let my guard down at all. Where the hell is Deacon? Is he dead? And what about those men? We might not have killed all of them and I don’t even know who they are or what they want.
We don’t ride as longas I thought we might have to before we get to Zayna’s house. It’s a pretty big log cabin, actually. She gets off the bike and wipes sweat off the back of her neck.