“Throwing grenades?”
“No,” she says. “Throwing a football. But it’s the same thing.”
“If we screw up…”
“We’re fucked anyway,” Zayna says. “I didn’t think I could get a good spot to use it but now that you’re here…”
She trails off like I’m supposed to fill in the blanks.
Zayna bites her lip and scrunches up her face.
“Listen, I have the grenade. I didn’t say I had a plan for it. But two heads are better than one.”
“Agreed,”I mutter. “When do you think they’re going to come back down here?”
Chapter Thirty-Three
Wyatt has to hold me back from killing Oske’s brothers. Hunter and Juliette are both in charge of watching me and making sure I don’t storm the motel and kill them both.They let Keyshawn go…
“The good news is, she’s not dead,” Juliette says, after her third argument with Hunter finally simmers down. I must be brooding. Not good.
“I’m fine.”
“For all we know, she could be back at your place,” Juliette says.
“Or she could be halfway to Timbuktu,” Hunter grunts. “This got way out of hand.”
“Don’t be negative,” Juliette says, smacking Hunter’s shoulder playfully. Watching them just makes me wish I had Keyshawn in my arms again. I hear one of Oske’s brother’s scream. And then Oske yells, “Ruger, STOP IT!”
“I should go in there.”
“No!” Hunter groans. “Please, Rage… Make my life easier for once. I already have to put up with Wyatt 24/7. He’s crankier without his gambling. I almost miss it.”
I havea cigarette to calm down. That allows enough time to pass before Oske, Wyatt and Ruger finally exit the motel room.
“I won’t be paying them,” Oske says, storming ahead and sticking a receipt in my hand.
“What’s this?”
“A receipt for a bus ticket. They sent her to Tulsa. Fucking idiots.”
“Hey, we know where she is. We’ll just ride out there and search nearby the bus station as soon as we have enough light.”
“How far is it?” Juliette asks.
Wyatt shrugs. “You can both head home. This job should be simple. I’ll head out with Deacon. I owe him for getting him into this mess.”
He glares at Oske, who rolls her eyes. “What? I thought I was helping.”
“I don’t want to hear from you for at least another three months,” Wyatt says to her. “Bring your brothers to the next quarterly meeting. They need to toughen up.”