The woman rushes at the jail cell as soon as she sees my captor.
“YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!”she yells, screaming at him as she shakes the bars. He ignores her, except for the confident smirk on his face.
“Stand back,” he commands her as he approaches the bars. She backs off a little, allowing me to understand why she tempers her fierceness so quickly.She’s pregnant too.My new prison warden unlocks the bars and shoves me into the cell. I have to brace myself against one of the walls so I don’t fall over. The woman in the cell approaches, ready to help me out. He slams the bars shut and locks it before disappearing upstairs.
The woman already inside the prison presses her hand to my back.
“Hey, I’m Zayna. Ruger’s wife. Are you… Deacon’s old lady?”
I’m still quaking with adrenaline and looking at her like I don’t know my ass from my elbow. This isn’t what I thought I was walking into, but I muster up a nod through my anxious shivering.
“What happened to the puppy?”
“Ruger is going to kill me,” Zayna says, dropping her hands away and pacing with her palms pressed to her forehead. “I thought I would come check on the puppy while he’s out on this mysterious job… Eden is with Tamiya, since she’s in town with Gideon but… My husband is not right in the head.”
She exposes her ass, showing me a large black ink tattoo that says “Property of Bucky”.She’s part of the Rebel Barbarians organization.
“Deacon isn’t right in the head either.”
We have more in common than our race and our pregnancy. Somehow, both of us got mixed up with the bikers.
“Two random men kidnapped me a few days ago, I convinced them to let me go because I thought Deacon might kill them. They could only get me a bus ticket to Tulsa, so I had to get a loan from my cousin to rent a car and get here. I thought Deacon would be here.”
“Instead, we have those motherfuckers. Neo-nazis. Ruger doesn’t talk about this stuff but… when I met him, he killed three of them.”
Zayna sits on the bed. I’m almost too nervous to join her. Those men could come down here any minute and assault us or kill us in that bed. But I need human contact, and we need each other to get through this. We’re black, pregnant, and trapped in my baby daddy’s basement. This isn’t how I thought my homecoming would go.
I sigh as I sit next to Zayna, wondering how screwed we are.
“Was Deacon involved in that?”
“When I met Ruger, he was alone. But it’s a criminal organization. I doubt they give a fuck.”
“We have to get out of here.”
Zayna grins and looks at me. “Yeah.”
“What are you smiling about?” I don’t want to be irritated, but I’m not finding anything to smile about.
“I have a weapon,” Zayna says. “They patted me down for guns but… they weren’t very thorough.”
“You have a gun?”
If she somehow brought in a gun that they missed in a pat down, I don’t want to knowwhereshe kept it.
“I wish,” Zayna says. “It’s a little complicated.”
“What is it?”
“A grenade.”
“How the fuck did you get a grenade in here?” I ask. I hope I don’t need to tell this woman – who might be crazy – that she can’t throw a grenade in a closed basement.
“Carefully,” Zayna says. “If we get distance from the house, I can throw it. I’ve been practicing with Ruger.”