“Listen, everything is fine. It’s a simple miscommunication. Once we smoke, I’ll tell my brothers to bring Keyshawn back to your place. No problem.”

“Your brothers have Keyshawn?”

I sit down, but only so I can glare more intensely at Oske. She’s been high on life since several members of the club trust her with expensive business dealings. It’s hard to believe how she used to live.

“Yes,” Oske says, taking an infuriating puff of weed before passing it along to Ruger, who is already busy texting someone. “I thought you kidnapped her.”

I did.

“Why would you assume that?”

“No way. I’m not putting your business out there in front of Southpaw and getting my ass fired.”

“I’m getting a drink,” Wyatt growls. “Stop being a degenerate and call themnow.”

“Why should I rush? Deacon should have communicated.”

“My love life is none of your business.”

“Love life?”Oske replies, wrinkling her nose. “Don’t be disgusting. Fine. I’ll call them.”

She walks into her bedroom to make that call.Annoying, but effective.Ruger sighs with a little too much relief. He takes an extra puff from the joint and passes it to me. I don’t mind a little stress relief right now, although the ultimate stress relief will only come when I have Keyshawn back in my bed again.

“Thank God,” Ruger says. “I thought I was going to have to lie to Zayna.”

That man is out of his goddamn mind.

“Why would you lie to her?” Wyatt growls disapprovingly as he returns with a beer for each of us.

“I told her I wasn’t going to kill anybody anymore…”

“Then you should do that,” Wyatt says. “Don’t lie.”

“Okay. If we have to kill Oske’s brothers, I’ll tell her.”

Wyatt sneers.“Why would we do that? It’s a misunderstanding.”

Rugerand I exchange glances that don’t go unnoticed by Wyatt.

“You arenotkilling her brothers.”

Oske stormsout of the bedroom, and slams her phone on her coffee table.

“I’m goingto kill my brothers,” she yells. “KILL THEM!”

“Nobody is going to kill them!” Wyatt roars.

I’mthe only one focused on what’s important.

“What happened?Where are they? Is Keyshawn safe?”

“Who the fuckknows where Keyshawn is?” Oske says. “They lost her.”

“What do you mean?”

“I tried to find out! These idiots lost their phone signal and I don’t have a clue where they are or where they last saw her. We need to get out of here.”

“Can I at least finish my beer?” Ruger grumbles.