“My sister’s trailer,” Neon pink mask says.

Neon green mask elbows him. “That’s not for you to know.”

Their dynamic makes me think they’re brothers or maybe very close cousins. But they’re not just friends. Not like this revelation brings me any closer to guessing their identity. I don’t know any pairs of latino brothers or twins and if Deacon does… he never mentioned them.

“Didyou get money to do this job?” I ask him, trying to make my voice sound as submissive as possible. “You two seem like real professionals.”

I fake a dramatic wince in pain as I rub my wrists.

“None of your business,” Neon green mask says, flexing his toughness again.

“I’m just saying, I could pay more. You saw the house you got me from… pretty fancy…”

They elboweach other back and forth for about a minute, before one of them speaks up, “You don’t have any money.”

But they’re thinking about it.I keep looking at my feet, amping up my distress as a pregnant housewife out on her ass – even if that isn’t exactly the full story.

“My husband has money. Clearly. I’m telling you, he’s going to kill you. If you didn’t believe that, you wouldn’t have gone through the trouble with the note and the stalking and the secrecy…”

They exchange glances. Who the hell are these men? Iassume this is some shady business deal Deacon is involved in and remind myself not to let my guard down.

“He can give you each ten grand. Cash.”

If he can pay me $20,000 for a night on my knees, he can pay that money to save my life. Not like I have personal access to that money, but it doesn’t have to be true – my kidnappers just have to believe it.

“Bullshit,” Neon green mask says. “Sis paid us $750 each.”

“Be quiet, idiot,” Neon pink mask mutters.

They areboth pretty terrible at this. But I still keep up looking scared, acting like I don’t have full certainty that I can break at least one of these idiots. I feel even stronger than I did when I first walked up those stairs out of Deacon’s basement.

He turned me into something else… a woman that I like, actually.

“Fine,”I tell them. “If you insist. Twenty-thousand dollars each. But… you have to take me back. My husband is crazy and I promise, when he gets his hands on you, he’ll kill you.”

“I don’t want to die for $750,” Neon green mask whispers to his brother – again, he’s more than loud enough for me to hear him.

Chapter Thirty-One


“Deacon and I ride in front,” Wyatt grunts, pausing to hit his vape before giving the rest of his orders. “Hunter, if Juliette comes, she is your responsibility.”

“Um, excuse me? I am an asset to this group.”

Wyatt glares at her, but doesn’t dare hit the vape again to give Juliette more of a chance to talk. Thank goodness.

“Ruger, take the rear. You’re the only one here who can ride that long without stopping, so if you get to Oske’s place first, don’t let her get away.”

“Not a problem.”

It’s a few hours away, less than six if you keep your foot pressed on the gas.

“Oske won’t answer her phone and I don’t like that. She most likely has Keyshawn there but… you know how she can get. More of us that show up, the less likely she is to extort us for ten thousand dollars...”

“I never gave that bitch money for anything,” Ruger says proudly, revving up his engine in the most irritating manner. Wyatt sighs. Ruger might have softened up enough to have a wife and kid, but he remains the same pain in the ass.

Hunter hands Juliette her bike helmet.