His dark urges haven’t vanished. And if he doesn’t have that bond with me, I have nothing short of outright panic thathe wants to share that bond with someone else. I know he has a large sexual appetite, and a taste for variety.

This baby could just bea way for him to express that boredom, to trap me to his side while denying me the rush that I can barely admit brings me more pleasure than any other relationship I’ve had.

“You aren’t goingto run away.”

Again,nothing from him. No threats. No commands. I slam the remote down and stare straight at Deacon’s upsettingly handsome face.

“Iwillrun away,”I snap at him. “I should have never signed that contract with you, or let you knock me up. This baby was a mistake and staying here with you will be an even bigger one. I’m leaving the second I get a chance.”

I storm past Deacon, shoulder checking him as I stomp off to our bedroom. My heart pounds like there’s a beast in my chest rattling my ribcage to make its way out. I shut the bedroom door behind me. It doesn’t really shut properly anymore and there isn’t a handle – just splinters that Deacon smoothed out.

I hear his footsteps coming down the hallway. He opens the door to the bedroom and smiles at me.What the fuck?

“Want to take a shower, baby?”he asks with the gentlest tone in his voice. I’m going to kill him. I swear. I open the drawer on Deacon’s side table and pull out the small pistol he keeps there. The bigger one is back in the kitchen since our last fight. Deacon watches me hold the gun and when I point it at him, he sighs.

“Seriously, Keyshawn?”

“Yes. I’m going to shoot you.”

“No. You’re not,”he growls. Anger.Yes.I have to suppress my immediate glee at finally getting some type of emotion out of Deacon. Even anger is better than his complete neutrality towards my defiance. He grabs the gun out of my hand and slams it back into the drawer. “Guns are not toys, Keyshawn.”

I glare at him. “I’ll do what I want.”

“What the fuckis wrong with you today?”

More anger.And scarier than Deacon’s anger – a real conversation.

“I’m waking up.”

“To what, exactly?” Deacon’s voice remains cool and collected. I resent his ability to have his emotions under control so easily – and all the time. I’m a mess, and even moreof a mess now that my pregnancy sends me on a constant roller coaster of emotion.

“I’m pregnant with your child and I hate you.”

Deacon smirks,but his eyes betray more than a flicker of anger.

“I see.”

“I hate you from the bottom of my heart.”

Deacon runshis tongue over his lip. He does this to slow himself down and keep control over every muscle in his body. I hate that I learned all these little things about him. Completely useless, because everything he started between us was nothing more than a game for him.

“I have gone outof my way to be goddamn perfect since we got the news and after weeks of kissing your ass and treating you like a fucking princess, all you can say is that you hate me.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


Keyshawn will break me.I push my tongue into the corner of my cheek and stare her down. I can feel forbidden words pressing around my mouth. Pushing against my lips. I want to tell her how I feel, but her words cut deeper than my riding crop ever could.

I hate you…

“I do hate you,” Keyshawn repeats, glaring at me with that fierce expression. Is this why she’s been so fucking disobedient lately? I don’t fucking get it. I really don’t.

“Is that it, then? You were having such a great life out there with country boys who took such good care of you that you ended up on your knees for a stranger.”

“I. Hate. You.”

I lose my shit. I close the distance between us and grab Keyshawn by the cheeks. I don’t even give a fuck about hurting or scaring her. I yank her pregnant ass to her feet and force her to stare at me face to face. I force her to stand, but when I look into this woman’s crazy dark brown eyes, all she does is smile.