"Who's that?" Deacon mutters. I don't even think he's really listening to me.

"Nevermind," I grumble. "Let me see the test."

"Why?" he says. "I thought you didn't care."

I surprise Deacon by snatching the pregnancy test from his grasp. Maybe he lets it happen. Who really knows. I almost regret snatching it from him when I do.

"You're crazy," I whisper to Deacon accusingly as I stare at the lines. I don't want to believe this is happening to me.

"Yes," he says. "A little bit."

"Deacon. You got me pregnant."

I have to say the words out loud to make myself believe this is real, but saying it out loud doesn't help. I feel like I'm reciting words from a script. Worse, I'm about to burst into tears and that part wasn't in the script. I drop the pregnancy test as those tears prickle the corners of my eyes.

Deacon wraps his arms around me. No. That just makes it worse. His large, strong biceps hold me tightly against his chest. My throat tightens and air can't get in. It's not the way he's holding me, it's the deep panic that Deacon's hug isn't making any better. I ball my hands into fists and shove them into his chest, trying to push him away.

It doesn't work and my body responds by emitting a sob of anguish and frustration blended together in a gigantic huff of breath.

"We're going to have a baby, Keyshawn. There's nothing to cry about. Nothing at all..."

He strokes my hair and I want to believe that Deacon is telling the truth, and that there's some chance in hell that the two of us having a baby is a good idea, but my body just feels cold and I'm so sick to my stomach that my breakfast threatens to come back up.

IsDeacon seriously happy about this? Or is this just another game that he doesn't have to take seriously because he isn't the one with the womb…

Chapter Twenty-Three


Once I confirm the news, I call the only person I can trust with this information to find out my next move.

“How the fuck should I know?” Tanner answers. “Avery showed up on my doorstep.”

“But she’s…”

“She’s none of your business.”

“I didn’t call to talk about Avery. You brought her up.”

Tanner sighs. I hear Quin mumbling something in the background, hopefully telling him tochill the fuck outwith that attitude. Because holy shit.

“Who the fuck let you get them pregnant?”

Oh. That must be what Quin asked him. I’m sure she was more diplomatic than that. I answer calmly, and as honestly as possible considering the circumstances between me and Keyshawn.

“My future wife.”

“I can’t remember the last time I saw you in the same room as a woman.”

“It would get awkward pretty quickly if you were in the room with us.”

“Go to a damn doctor, Deacon.”

“Which one? This is my baby, Tanner. I don’t want to go to some small town freak who jacks off to the ultrasound photos.”

“You’re sick in the head,” Tanner says. He should know better than to dismiss my concerns like this. We’ve seen a lot of crazy shit in our lifetimes.A lot.

“Most people are.”