A baby.

Normally,the thought of knocking any woman up would fill me with distress. Look what happened to Owen Shaw. And Ruger Blackwood. And so many other fucking men.

If you give a woman a baby, she can completely control your mind and if she can't get to that, she can get to your money. It's the ultimate commitment.

I work myself up to an almost manic state by the time I prepare breakfast, wondering if I should tell Keyshawn my plan or simply... allow the plan to happen.

From my first meeting with Keyshawn, she should have been on birth control, but I haven't been giving her a daily pill since she got here. She could already be pregnant. We could already be that much closer to forever...

Chapter Twenty-Two


Idon't know why Deacon went easy on me last week, but my suspicions are only growing the nicer he gets. He took me out on a real date. Yes, a date outside of the house. He picked a dress out for me, held the door open, and we went to a real restaurant. He encouraged me to get extra portions for us to take home so I wouldn't have to cook dinner for a day or two.

If I had any idea ofwhathe could be planning, I would suspect him of planning something. But he never brings his work home and when we're together, he gets everything he wants. These days, I get everything I want too.

He goes down on me. Every day. It's almost enough to make me forget that he literally kidnapped me and trapped me in a basement for twelve days. Fresh wounds on my ass have a weird way of blocking out all previous memories of Deacon's behavior.

I tend to the wounds and soak up all the affection that pours out of my red-haired monster once he's done. The riding crop demolished my ass, but the experience softened Deacon up to me more than I expected.

Just when I let my guard down, Deacon wakes me up with the daily breakfast he turned into a regular thing and serves it to me on the same bamboo tray with a new addition to the spread…

"What's that?"

I pick up the cardboard box, answering my own question, but waiting for Deacon to say it out loud.

"It's a pregnancy test. Which you can read."

He climbs into bed next to me and steals a piece of bacon off my plate. It's his "tax" for making me breakfast in bed and I'm too stunned about the whole pregnancy test thing to respond to the bacon theft.

"Why would I need a pregnancy test?"

"I've been cumming inside you since I met you."

Why does he have to go and say things like that?

"That doesn't mean I'm pregnant. You have to time it right."

"I fuck you daily," he says, sounding offended, like I somehow cast doubt on his prowess. My ears burn, probably because I know I'm living in denial. I can't even remember the last time I took the pill. I had way bigger problems than the pill and if Deacon wants to kidnap a woman without her prescription medications…

My head swims and I don't know if it's morning sickness, but it's morning and I definitely feel sick.

"Can I enjoy my breakfast first at least?" I grumble, putting a salty piece of bacon into my mouth.

"Wait as long as you want. I know the answer already."

"Then why bother with the test?"

"You should have had your period by now," he says with far too much excitement for my liking. "I did the math."

My stomach sinks. Was this his plan all along? Here I was thinking that the date, the breakfast and all that other stuffwas because Deacon and I were getting along, finding some way to make this fucked up situation work.

Now, I feel used. And less hungry.

"Eat," he commands.

"I'm not hungry anymore."