“Don’t be disgusting. I’m gay. Mostly. Bi, if the guy is worth something to me.”
“That’s enough,” Wyatt growls. “What you crave is attention… and pissing me off.”
I roll my eyes at Wyatt’s homophobic comment. He really thinks it’s original, but it’s not worth getting into an argument with him over it. Not when I can double charge him for the Deacon situation.
“Listen, I can watch Deacon, but I’ll have to cancel my elk hunting trip to Montana.”
The trip I just pulled out of my ass so I can charge him double.
“Elk hunting?”
“I’mnative,” I say to Wyatt, glaring at him with the intention of calling him racist. Owen puts a hand on his brother’s shoulder, encouraging him to calm down and acknowledge his racism for questioning my hunting trip.
“Understandable,” Owen says. “You want money.”
“Whose money are you offering so freely?” Wyatt snaps at him.
“We need to know what’s happening with Ethan,” Owen says. “And I don’t want to hunt either of those fuckers down. We’ll give her a little cash and Oske will find us a good spy in the club to send out East.”
“I need another beer,” Wyatt says, walking over to my fridge. Luckily, he doesn’t spot the venison and just returns with three beers. Three? This man is depraved.
“Who knows how long it will take to find your brother in Boston,” I continue. “Maybe a month. That’s a lot of work for a new homeowner.”
Wyatt rolls his eyes. “Here comes the extortion.”
“Bold words from a white guy…”
“Just tell us how much you want,” Owen sighs. “You are like the worst younger sister anyone could have.”
“Good thing we’re not really related. I might charge extra for that.”
“Stop raising the fucking price,” Wyatt says. “Pick a number and my brother will pay.”
Chapter Nineteen
Keyshawn climbs into bed next to me, wary of my intentions and rightfully so. I have intentions for her tonight unlike anything we have ever done together. She’ll just accuse me of “playing games”, but over time, she’ll see that there is nothing unserious about this. You choose who you bond to, that’s the bottom line. Some men might take years to make a choice. I had years to myself, years of experiencing women. The second my cock touched her lips, I knew Keyshawn was the one.
I join her in bed, wrapping my arm around her. She refused my affection in the bathroom, but if she’s a normal, human woman, her body will eventually respond to my closeness. My comfort. She’s so small. It’s difficult to keep my body from responding to her heat, the softness of her skin and of course, Keyshawn’s perfect ass rubbing up against my crotch.
She doesn’t understand how much restraint it takes not to drag her off to my sex dungeon and fuck her brains out. I kiss her neck and soon my hand wanders to the front of her new clothes. Keyshawn shifts uncomfortably and then makes an effort to push my hand away.
“Let me touch you,” I command her. Obediently, her hand falls away. My dick jumps against her ass. Each act of obedience only pushes me to greater tension and a stronger fight against my instincts. I reach for her pussy lips and nearly cum in my pants. I love how full and thick she is down there. I want her to feel my tongue.
I disappear beneath the sheets, tangling immediately with Keyshawn’s legs as she kicks at me in confusion and then rolls into an accidentally more vulnerable position on her back. I grab the sides of her sweatpants and pull them off, letting her plant her feet on my shoulders in an effort to push me away.
It only allows me to strip her bottom half more easily, getting Keyshawn down to her underwear with her thighs hiked up.
“Stop squirming.”
She stops. Only to follow up with verbal protest.
“I don’t know what you’re doing down there.”
I touch the outside of her mound through her underwear. She shudders. Isn’t it obvious what I’m doing? I pull her underwear to the side and respond by pushing my tongue between Keyshawn’s lower lips. She gasps and the bottoms of her feet shovehardagainst my shoulders. She’s not strong enough to actually push me away. I spread her lower lips wider with my tongue and suck on her clit purposefully, reminding her that in this bed…she’s mine.
She doesn’t hold herself back from moaning this time. I don’t know if she can. With pain, she can prepare herself. But nothing prepared her for this. She gasps my name in an effort to get my attention and get me to pull my face away from her pussy, but there is no way in hell I’m going to stop eating her out until she cums all over me.