"I'm tired. I would like to celebrate my release by sleeping in a real bed."
Deacon releases me. I exhale slowly with relief. I don'tneed him pouncing on me and getting all messy when I just took a proper shower.
"Fine," he says. "I'll let you have your sleep. Tomorrow, you have a new life ahead of you. I expect there will be an adjustment period."
Adjustment period? He can't seriously expect me to remember every last one of those rules without referring back to that document several times a day. Those standards are downright impossible. I can get the basics out of the way and just hope this man won't have time to pay attention to details other than food and sex.
I don't question his generosity in case it's temporary. He follows me into the master bedroom and I have to stop myself from flying headfirst into the bed. When I sit on the edge of his bed, my butt feels like it's in heaven.
I can't waitto have my first night of sleep outside of a basement prison cell.
Chapter Eighteen
Twenty-Two Miles Away From Deacon’s Casino…
Isit on the stairs of my new house with a freshly rolled joint – the best tobacco from the rez sprinkled throughout – ready to celebrate my lifelong dream of owning a house that isn’t just a double wide. This split-level ranch might not be enormous, but it has two floors and every square foot of this place belongs to me. There is no way inhellI’m getting another girlfriend. Or a boyfriend. It’s just going to be me and… maybe I’ll get a dog.
The sound of motorcycle engines threaten to ruin my high. Ugh. I don’t want to spend every waking minute of my day dealing with bikers. I still hate most of them, although the Shaw brothers over time have proven themselves to be well-meaning idiots at worst. I tap some ash out onto the ground and listen a little closer. Two bikes. Hawk and Steel?
I stand up and try to look out over the flat farmland surrounding my new house for bikes in the distance. Shiny, noisy beasts burst down the length of highway, drawing closer. Who else could they be coming for, but me? I keep aSig Sauer pistol in a holster on my side – a gift from Ruger for a job I did – so I don’t worry too much about the approaching bikers.
I just need to know who the fuck they are…
My worries vanish immediatelywhen I recognize the pair. Not Hawk and Steel. Fuck. I take the biggest inhalation of my joint that my lungs can muster up before they get here and let myself cough it out until tears prickle the sides of my eyes. Ifthey’rehere, my peace is over. Wyatt skids to a stop in front of my house, ignoring my designated parking spaces. Owen’s bike respectfully trots between the white cones, but he nearly falls off when he tries to kick it down.
There goes my peace.Wyatt looks like a rattlesnake bit him when he takes his helmet off. Naturally, he has a problem. These idiots always have a problem. They pay well, so I really can’t complain about that side of things, but they have a way of never leaving me alone for long enough to get some peace of mind.
White men bring chaos everywhere they go. That much about them stays true throughout the decades.
“I was about to enjoy an evening alone,” I say to Wyatt, trying to be as rude as possible so he turns around and leaves.
“Yeah?” he growls. “Now you’re about to enjoy an evening with me and Owen.”
“Has that been approved by your wife?”
“Shut the fuck up, Oske,” Wyatt snarls. I want to put my joint out on this giant’s arm.
“You do realize that you’re driving up to my house in the evening, right before dinner, and attacking me? This is why I steal from you, Wyatt.”
“She’s joking,” Owen says, patting Wyatt on the back. I roll my eyes.
“What do you want?”
“There are secrets going on in the club,” Wyatt says, spitting aggressively next to my stairs. I wrinkle my nose. I don’t know how straight women do it.
“Our brother and Deacon Hollingsworth had a secret meeting, then Ethan fucks off to Boston and won’t take our calls. That’s all he means.”
“They’re probably trafficking women.”
“Do you havePROOF!?” Wyatt yells.
“Is there something wrong with him?” I ask Owen while giving Wyatt the side-eye.
“Anna’s pregnant again.”
“That’smynews,” Wyatt growls. “Not yours.”