"You expect me to stay home all day working for free?"

"Perhaps finish before commenting on every page."

Keyshawn shuts the book again, bratty defiance settling across her soft features. "Do you custom print these for all your whores?"

"You are not my whore."

I slip up, my voice tense enough that Keyshawn can take satisfaction from upsetting me.

Keyshawn hassufficient pleasure from my frustration that she turns her attention back to my rule book. It doesn't take her much longer to finish it, but she scoffs and raises her eyebrows at various parts ofit until the end.

"You aren't serious about all of this," she says, giving me a deep, penetrating stare once she finishes.

"What about this seems unserious to you?"

"If I agree to marry you and have a baby with you at the end of a year, you plan on giving me one million dollars to invest how I please. Where? You don't have one million dollars."

"Correct. I have several million."

"You're in a biker gang. You sell drugs. I might believe one million total, but I don't believe this. I think you want to beat women and torture them and this is all bullshit."

"You know I paid $20,000 for a night with you."

"Typical irresponsible spending from a man. Nothing special."

"You will agree."

Her eyes flicker with irritation.

"I'm not a slave."

"The last time I checked, slaves didn't get unlimited access to credit cards, and they didn't have the opportunity to earn privileges over time."

Still anger from Keyshawn.

"What makes you think I need a million dollars? I was perfectly content with my life."

"Not according to your diaries in Chicago."

"Excuse me?"

There. Finally, I have some semblance of the upper hand again. If she won't trust me, I'll have to drag her to that point myself.

"While you were downstairs, I did my research. I had to make sure you were... a good fit."

"For what? Being your sex slave?"

"You keep using that word. Is that what you want me to call you?"

She mouths the word "racist" and then pretends to re-read the first couple pages of the rule book so she can avoid eye contact with me. I can't punish her for bad behavior until she signs the contract, even if I desperately want to unleash my deep inner feelings on Keyshawn.

"Sign the document and we can move on. I've been nothing but kind to you tonight."

"Kidnapping victims everywhere rejoice at your generosity," she mumbles.

"I'll go get a pen. Give you time to think."

"Right. Give me a pen so the next time I speak out of turn you can... what was it? Give me a spanking?"