“There’s somethin’ different about you.” I frown curiously while I wait for her answer and her lips twitch while she keeps me in suspense.
“Well, thereisone little thing.” She pulls a white stick out from her back pocket and holds it out in front of me.
“What?” I snatch it from her hand so I can take a look at it. “Are you…are we…?”
“We’re gonna have a baby.” She bursts into tears and laughter at the same time and I kiss her so hard she has to force me away so she can catch her next breath.
“How long have you known?” I stare at her in shock.
“I found out about five minutes before you stormed through the door,” she explains. “I’ve been late for a few days and I felt a little queasy while I ate breakfast so I went to the pharmacy and picked up this test.” She takes the stick back from me and places it on the counter.
“Are you happy?”
“Not about the fact you went to the pharmacy by yourself, but this…Eden, you got my kid in there.” I rest both my hands oneither side of her stomach and look down at it. “I can’t wait to tell Ruc…” I cut myself off when I realise that asshole ain’t my best friend, anymore.
“Aaron, get out of here. Go speak to your friend.” Eden glances toward the door and I quickly kiss her again, this time much softer, then I drop to my knees and kiss her stomach.
“Let’s hope your uncle Ruck has a good explanation. I’d like for you to meet him.” I smile up at my beautiful, pregnant wife because suddenly nothing else in the whole fuckin’ world seems to matter.
“Being pregnant looks good on you,” I tell her as I get back up, and head out the door.
Ruckus is exactly where I guessed he would be. Sitting on the end of the bar, drinking a coffee and looking real sorry for himself.
“Do you really love her?” The question comes out before I can make it all the way over to him, and suddenly the conversation we should be having in private becomes everyone here’s business.
Ruck lifts his head and before he even attempts to answer me, I see it.
I see the pain of being separated from that person who owns your fuckin’ heart and I see the fatigue from endless overthinking.
“I really love her.” He nods his head.
“You sure? Because if she’s just a pretty face and some fu?—-“
“Wrath, I’ve loved her since I first set eyes on her.” It sounds as if he’s admitting that to himself for the first time and I recognize the pain in his voice. The whole ride here, I’ve thoughtabout what I would have done if Raze had said I couldn’t be with Eden.
There ain’t nothing, not even him, who I would’ve let stop me from being with the woman I love.
“Then why the fuck are you sitting there looking all weak and wounded?” I march toward him and drag him up by his cut.
“Get on your bike, ride to Arizona and bring my sister home,” I tell him, watching the sorrow in his eyes fade into something that tells me he won’t be coming back without her.
“I was about to, I was just figurin’ how I was gonna convince her to come back here while you were so… Are you not mad anymore?” he checks.
“Oh, I’m mad. I’m fuckin’ furious, but that shouldn’t stop the two of you being together. Get the fuck outta here.” I shove him toward the door and instead of heading out of it, he rushes back at me, wrapping his huge arms around me and squeezing.
“You ain’t gonna regret puttin’ ya faith in me.” He makes me a glaring promise before heading out the door, and I feel a smile tug on my lips as I straighten out my cut.
I ignore all the shocked faces and head back to the bar to join Raze.
“So… Ruckus and your sister.” Raze laughs. “Guess now you know how it feels.”
“Yeah, about that. Turns out, I knocked up yours.” I look up at him and grin.
“You're lucky she’s got a ring in her finger.” He grips my shoulder real tight. “Congratulations,” he tells me, wearing a smile of his own, as he leaves me to think more on the fact that I’m gonna be someone's father.
Eden was right, things are looking up, and from now on I’m gonna be looking up with ‘em.
It’s what Willow would want and what Eden, and my kid, deserve.