“Who is she–”
“Something pink, you always used to look so pretty in pink.” He talks over me, then gently kisses my cheek before heading off after them.
“So, tell me all about your stunt show days.” Cam sits back in his chair once he’s finished the huge steak he ordered, and I push my fork around my salad bowl, unable to stomach eating anything.
“I don’t have many good memories from then, why don’t we talk about the club instead?” I pick up my wine and take a sip. I must admit Cam chose a nice restaurant, I’m sure the food would be great if I had an appetite, and it’s obvious the people who work here are familiar with him.
“Do you keep your streets clean?” I ask, knowing my father never really cared about looking after Long Beach the way the other charters cared about their towns. Raze has a very different attitude and although I was only there a short time, I could already see Long Beach benefiting from his leadership.
“Sure do, darlin’.” Cam nods his head proudly. “It ain’t much work, the Souls’ reputation speaks for itself, and I got a good thing going with the local police department.” He raises his bottle to show the waitress that it’s empty and she immediately gets to work.
“And do you run your charter the same way my dad ran his?” I push for more information. I’ve spent most of the time I’ve been here in Cam’s bedroom avoiding everyone, and thinking about Ruckus. I should really be starting to come up with some ideas on how I plan to get out of here. The sooner I do, the sooner I can start a new life away from this club and all its charters.
“It’s taken some time and trust. Cliff was the one with all the contacts and he always liked to be in control. Cunt never fuckin’ shared nothin’ with no one.” Cam surprises me with how open he’s being. “Sorry,” he adds as an afterthought and I quickly shake my head to let him know that I’m not offended.
“So, do you and your members trade women?” I keep my voice low so the people around us won’t hear.
“I think it’s best you and I keep club business and our relationship separate.” He takes my hand across the table, and despite his smile, he crushes it to the point of pain..
“I know what my dad used to do, he told me and I saw it for myself. That woman who was at the club today, she was looking for someone, wasn’t she?” I withstand the force of his hold and refuse to break eye contact with him.
“She’s not a problem anymore.” He releases me, and studies my face for a reaction.
I guess I can thank Drew and all the audiences he put me in front of, for the fact I can hide how I really feel.
“I run my charter the same way your daddy ran his, there are members here I trust and members that I don’t.”
“And you trade women,” I add.
“Sometimes, we trade women,” he admits, and although on the surface I remain unfazed, all that fear that my dad put inside me takes its hold over me again.
“The less you know about it the better. Just let me take care of you. It was always supposed to be this way.” He smiles as the waitress places down his beer.
“Cam, did you kill that woman who was at the club this morning?” I don’t know why I need confirmation, or why I’m pushing a man who’s clearly very dangerous. I guess curiosity really did kill the cat.
“You’re gonna give me trouble, I can tell.” He wiggles his finger at me and laughs as if all this is a joke.
“Yes, darlin’, I killed her.” He leans over the table and slides his hand up the inside of my thigh. “I waited a long time to get my hands on you, and now I got you where you belong. I’m not taking any risks.” He presses his fingers against my panties and I feel myself flinch.
“Then it won’t hurt to wait a little longer.” I take hold of his wrist and slowly slide it away. “I’m not a whore, Cam, when the time comes and we…”
Jesus, I don’t even want to say it.
“...I want it to mean something.”
“Of course, ya do.” He smiles, placing his hand back on the table. I see the frustration he’s trying to hide. I got a taste of what it’s like when he releases it, back in Long Beach, and suddenly I feel like I’m running out of time.
“I thought about you sometimes,” I blurt out the words, and they seem to take some of the tension out of his jaw.
“You did?” He knits his brows together, like he’s surprised at what he’s hearing.
“Sometimes, when I was doing a show, I’d look out at the audience and imagine you were there.” I think about Ruckus and all the times I pictured seeing his face among the crowd.
“I had no idea where you’d gone. I spent a long time thinking you were gone forever,” he admits.
I recently discovered that my dad always knew who I was with. He was the person who told Ruckus, and it’s had me wonder why he never came after me.
Maybe he found some compassion and decided to let me be free? Was it that compassion that got Willow killed, when he trusted the Reapers to take care of her?