“Where’s Rory?” I look around the room for our son.
“He’s in the nursery taking a nap. Saul, what are you doing here? You know it’s not safe.” She moves over to the window to check outside.
“Something happened today and I realized that I…I can’t do this anymore.” Grabbing her hand, I pull her away from the window and force her to sit on her couch. “I can’t lie to my brothers, I can’t have you and our kid living away from me. We need to be together.”
“What happened?” Her concern seems to be for me, which proves she has no idea what danger she was in.
“It started when your father killed our VP’s sister,” I explain, hating the look of horror it causes. “Willow was just a girl, and Cliff, our old president, left her with your father thinking hecould trust him. He killed her.” I know this won’t be easy for her to hear. “Before she died, Willow was involved with a brother at our club, he’d been dedicated to finding her for so long, and when he found out she was never coming home he lost his head. Lettie, that brother was here today, sitting outside your house with a gun. He wanted to make your dad hurt the way he did.” Her hand covers her mouth as she pieces everything together.
“No. I spoke with him. He was gonna…”
“Thankfully, he changed his mind. Hurting women and kids is against our club rules, and our last president may not have honored that, but Raze does. Tawk realized he was wrong, and that's why he turned the gun on himself. Outta guilt,” I explain, watching as she tries to take everything in.
“I had no idea.” Lettie’s skin turns pale, I can’t imagine how she must be feeling. I should have been here to protect her.
“He coulda killed you, and I wasn’t here. That's all I’ve thought about this whole ride over here.” I take her other hand, hoping that she’s gonna be on board with what I offer next.
“I want you to come home with me, no more secrets, no more lies. Let me and my club protect you.”
“Saul, you just told me that a member of your club was outside of here waiting to shoot me, today.”
“I know, and I promise he regrets it, I saw that on his face, even though I wanted to tear it off his skull. I saw it. He regretted it so much he was gonna blow his own brains out,” I remind her. “Long Beach is far from perfect, we gotta a whole lotta problems, but I want you close. I want to protect you and our son.” I lay it all out for her, because we can’t go on as we are.
“What makes you think your club will accept me? I’m the enemy's daughter, owning up to this could get you killed, not just by the Reapers, but by your own club.” She drops her head looking helpless.
“My club ain’t like the Reapers’. I’m learning more and more since Cliff’s been gone what a brotherhood really is. We stand by each other and I’m certain that they will stand by me with this. I just need you to put some faith in me.”
We both look toward the hall when Rory starts to cry and when I go to stand up, she shakes her head.
“I’ll go, he doesn’t really know you.” I see how bad she feels for having to tell me that, but it’s true. I’ve met my son once in the five months he’s existed. How shit that makes me feel, has me more determined to fix it.
Lettie steps back into the room a few minutes later, with my sleepy boy resting on her shoulder, and as she strokes his back to soothe him I place my hand over hers and kiss the top of his head.
“Do this with me. Let’s be a family,” I beg her, knowing that it means her putting everything on the line.
“I’ll pack us some things,” she tells me calmly. “You go back, you speak to Raze.” She takes a deep breath. “And if your club will accept us, then we will come.” I notice how the corners of her mouth pick up into a smile. “But, if you sense the slightest hostility, we’re running, and you’re coming with us,” she warns.
I think about Alicia, and all the promises I made her. I can’t leave her behind. I’ve asked Lettie to put her faith in me, now I have to put my faith in my brothers.
“The club won’t be hostile,” I assure her. I saw how mad Raze was with Tawk today, but he’ll forgive him. I’ll bet he’s already working on a way to get him some help. I see the way he treats Polly despite the fact her son betrayed the club and tried raping his old lady. I should have trusted in him sooner.
“Then don’t waste any more time.” Lettie has a full beam on her face as she looks up at me. “Go speak to your president.”
“Lettie, you have no idea what this means to me.” If it wasn’t for the fact she has our son in her arms, I’d lift her off her feetand squeeze her. “You ain’t gonna regret this. You're gonna be so happy, and you…” I take my boy's hand in mine. “You're gonna love the beach, kid.” I already got a vision of us all spending lazy days on the beach together. Family days where I get to prove to her that I can be a good father.
“It sounds perfect.” I see the spark of excitement in Lettie’s eyes and I have to kiss her again.
“Pack everythin’ you need, I’ma go talk to Raze and I’ll come back with a cage so we can take all your stuff with us.” I kiss my son's head, and start heading for the door.
“Saul.” She calls out after me and when I turn back around all her excitement has suddenly faded.
“You know this is gonna cause a war, right?”
I nod back at her, feeling my pulse race.
“But now I know you're on the right side of it, and I can keep you safe. It’s a war I can fight.” I smile at her before rushing out the door, because I want my woman and my son home by tonight.
I stop for gas when I’m halfway home, and despite being nervous about the conversation I have to have with Raze when I get back I can’t help feeling real good about the future. I already know Alicia and Lettie get on, Alicia's been a support to her when I couldn’t be, and I’m figuring it’ll be nice for Alicia to have her around when her own baby comes.