As our eyes held in a long, heat-filled stare, I knew one thing more than I’d ever known anything in my life.
He was about to kiss me.
And it would be the best kiss of my life.
Iwas going to kiss her. Emmy wanted me to kiss her. And I wanted it more than I wanted my next breath.
I took a step toward her, closing the short distance remaining between us. Then I put a hand on each of her upper arms, just as I had before. Only this time, I was facing her.
She pointed that beautiful face up toward me, giving me access to her mouth, and that was when I lowered my head and captured her lips with mine. She tasted sweet—like cinnamon and chocolate combined. I wondered if she always tasted that way or if she’d just had a particularly delicious dessert earlier that evening. Whatever the case, it was addictive.
Shewas addictive.
She moved even closer to me as our kiss deepened, her body pressing against mine, making it tough for me to resist ripping off her clothes and taking her right here on this rug. But I held back. She would be worth waiting for, even if I had to spend months romancing her to get her into bed.
I’d never said that about any woman. I’d never met a woman worth waiting for until Emmy.
Finally, we broke the kiss, and I stared down at her. What now? I could take her back to her room at the lodge—I assumed that was where she was staying since the competition was happening there. But it was the last night. She didn’t have to be anywhere in the morning besides the bank.
“Stay here,” I said.
Her eyes widened briefly. It was almost as quick as a blink, but in that one look, I knew exactly what she thought I meant.
“I have a guest bedroom,” I rushed to add. “It only has a twin bed. I had it when I was on base, just in case anyone wanted to visit. But it’s not like one bed would invite company. When my sister and her family visit, they stay in a hotel.”
What was I carrying on about? This wasn’t like me at all. I was usually a man of few words. She had me all nervous and tongue-tied, stumbling around like a guy who didn’t have game.
I didn’t have game. Not anymore. I was out of practice. Rusty. I didn’t think I’d have to use these skills again anytime soon.
“You can stay here as long as you need,” I said.
There. That was the offer. No hidden agenda. I wasn’t trying to get her into bed. Okay, I was, but this had nothing to do with that. I wanted to keep her in my life. I wanted to get to know her. I didn’t want her to walk out of here and sleep in a building that was a good ten minutes away. That was too much distance. I’d just lie awake all night, remembering her, wondering if she was dreaming of me.
Yeah, I’d really lost it now. I’d turned into some nutty, stalker-type dude.
“I’m going to stay in a hotel near the interstate,” she said. “I have a reservation for tomorrow night.”
“You can cancel it,” I said. “Save the money. Put it toward your bakery fund.”
We were still in each other’s arms, though her body wasn’t pressed as tightly against mine anymore. I longed to pull her closer, but I resisted the urge.
“I won’t make a pass at you,” I said. “I promise.”
She frowned, and for a second, I wondered what I’d done wrong. Then it hit me.
“Not that I wouldn’twantto make a pass at you,” I added quickly. “I’m just saying I’ll be a perfect gentleman as long as you’re under my roof. You don’t have to worry about me sneaking into your bed or anything.”
She shrugged. “What if I snuck into your bed?”
“Well, then just be aware that I sleep in the nude.”
I did not sleep in the nude. Usually, I slept in my boxer briefs. I wasn’t even sure why I said that. Maybe to let her know what she was in for if she tried sneaking into my bed.
She was in for the best sex of her life. Not to be cocky about it. Actually, I just wanted to be clear with myself that if I did get the chance to make love to this woman, I’d do everything I could to rock her world.