Page 17 of Fierce Mountain Man

Black lace. Holy hell, this virgin was going to do me in.

My bulge only increased as we played, but if Emmy noticed, she didn’t show it. She was too excited that she was winning once again. And if she won, I’d be completely naked. There’d be no hiding my throbbing erection then.

“Holy fuck!” she said when I set down my last card.

She set down hers and, sure enough, she had a queen while I had a seven. Holy fuck was right. She’d won again. How was that possible?

“You okay with me taking my underwear off?” I asked. “I’m kind of…hard.”

I hesitated to say the word. It felt wrong in front of someone who had never been with a man.

She was twenty-three. She’d revealed that while we played. I was thirty-five. A twelve-year age difference would normally be no big deal, but this was all new to her. Even though she’d clearly lived life, and she was hardly naïve, in this area, I’d want to go gently with her.

“Take it off,” she said.

She wasn’t looking at me, but the power in those three words blazed right through me. If it was possible, I was even harder than I’d been before.

Crap. What was this woman doing to me? I’d never be able to look at another woman again.

She was a virgin. I had to keep reminding myself of that. I couldn’t just jump into things with her. I had to take it slowly. I had to let her set the pace.

“I could take them off for you,” she said.

She looked up now, and the innocence in her eyes didn’t match the words she’d just said. But how could I turn down that offer?

I pushed myself to my feet and moved toward her, stopping close enough to be within reach, but not so close that I’d make her feel uncomfortable. But she surprised me by setting down her deck of cards and turning to face me, scooting to the edge of her cushion. Then she actually licked her lips as she reached for the sides of my boxer briefs and tugged downward.

It was a pretty aggressive tug. Not at all the shy movements I’d expect from a virgin. My cock popped out—long, thick, hard, and ready for her touch.Achingfor her touch.

She stopped my underwear at my thighs, staring at my erection, her eyes wide. “There’s cum on your tip.” She looked up at me and said, “That’s pre-cum, right?”

I nodded. I certainly hadn’t expected Emmy to be so open with her questions, but I was glad she was. I wanted her to feel comfortable talking to me about this stuff.

“I’m on birth control,” she said. “One of my foster moms took me to a doctor when I was only sixteen. She said she didn’t need me getting pregnant and giving her one more mouth to feed. Of course, she kicked all of us out the next month.” She shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about that, though. Point is, I’m on birth control.”

This woman had led a tough life. She didn’t deserve any of that. She deserved the opposite—a childhood with two parents who loved her and gave her a safe environment to grow up in.

But she was right. We didn’t need to talk about that now. I couldn’t do anything about her past. What I could do was give her a home and the family she always deserved. And I intended to do exactly that.

“Can I touch it?” she asked.

Before I could even answer, she wrapped her hand around my cock, licking her lips. I wanted to tell her she could taste it if she wanted, but of course, that would be moving too fast. So I just waited, holding my breath, seeing what she’d do next.

“It just moved,” she said. “Is that normal?”

I nodded. “Only when a sexy woman has her hand around it.”

All of this was almost too much. The sight of her generous breasts stuffed into that black lace bra, that small delicate hand wrapped around my erection, the wide-eyed wonder on her face…

If I wasn’t careful, I’d come on the spot. That was the last thing I wanted to do.

“I just move it like this, right?” she asked.


That was all I could manage to force out. I was lucky I was even able to stay upright at this point.

She looked up at me as she stroked, fingers gliding across my steely shaft. It was all I could do not to grab her under her arms, hoist her up, climb between those sweet legs, and slide into her. Of course, there were clothes in the way, so that wouldn’t happen.