Her hand slid down my arm, found the hem of my shirt, and slid beneath so she could stroke the skin of my stomach soothingly.Her nails gently scraped over my flesh, and I moaned.Fuck, that felt almost as good as having Jagger’s cock pressed against my clit.
Goose bumps beaded along my entire body.My nipples had never been tighter.My entire body felt heavy.Achy.
“Or maybe your dream wasn’t so scary.Were you thinking of Luca touching you?”She laughed softly, the sound husky, a tiny hint of a rasp lingering from her own nap.
My core clenched, more wetness drenching my panties.Jagger sucked in another breath, his cock growing harder, thicker, against my center.It wouldn’t take much.All we would have to do was shift my shorts and panties to the side, pull his cock free from his basketball shorts.And then I could feel him.Right there.Where he was twitching against me.I wanted to feel him bare.I wanted him inside me.
Empty.I was so fucking empty.
“I was having a nice dream too.”Shaw’s soothing touch became…different.She traced little designs on my skin, and that only amped up the hunger between my legs.Gnawing at me.Need.I needed to be full.I needed to be touched.
It wasn’t like I was starved for affection or anything.I got plenty of that.Shaw and Jagger were always nearby, watching me closely.Fear was their constant companion when it came to me these days.Since the breakup.
Ever since the dark thoughts had nearly won.I’d considered ending it all.Thoughts of Luca, our ruined plans for the future,her.
I flinched, mentally shaking away thoughts of Megan.No.She didn’t get to live rent-free in my head, driving me deeper into the darkest parts of my mind, trapping me with the pain.I wanted to hide from it all.From the agony that still lingered.From the love that wouldn’t die.From myself.
Ever since I’d voiced my thoughts, Shaw and Jagger had barely left my side.One or both of them was always there.My anchors to this world.My reasons for not putting an end to it all and moving on to the next life in the hopes that I would finally have relief.
I fell asleep tucked between the two of them often, my ear pressed to one’s chest while the other spooned against my back.It was safe when they blanketed me from the rest of the world.I felt loved.Wanted.Needed.
Shaw was never going to let me go.
And neither would Jags.
Which was why I had no business thinking of Jagger like that.
I bit my lip.
Shaw inched closer, her front melting into my back, her warm breath brushing over my ear.I liked being there.Between them.Breathing their air.Feeling their skin against mine.Jagger’s gaze shifted to Shaw, the hunger returning to his eyes tenfold.Another whimper tried to leave my throat.I liked the way he looked at her.I liked it a fucking lot.
Again, my hips moved without conscious thought, my butt pressing back into Shaw, causing her breath to hitch, her hand spreading out as she pressed her palm to my stomach and slowly traveled down.We were all so close that the back of her hand rubbed against Jagger’s abs.His sun-kissed, chiseled, perfect abs that were bare because he’d tossed his shirt when we’d been out by the pool.After hanging out all afternoon, we’d come up to my room and turned on a movie.
Shaw had fallen asleep first, but I’d been quick to follow, the sound of Jagger’s heart a familiar rhythm beneath my ear, like a lullaby.
“Wh—” Jagger’s voice cracked, his breath shuddering out of him, brushing my cheek.“What are you doing, dimples?”
“Exploring.I’ve decided that Vi and I are in our experimenting era.Guys are useless.Especially you and Luca.”She slipped her hand under my panties, moving lower until she was cupping my pussy, giving me time to say no.Or push her hand away.Or sit up and tell her she was crazy.
“Experimenting era,” I repeated breathlessly.I didn’t want to stop her.I wanted to know if she could make me feel as good as I yearned for.
“Yeah,” she hummed, kissing my neck as she spread my dripping folds, finding and playing with my clit.
“Oh.Ohhhh.Oh…ahhh.”My brain shut down.There was nothing but Shaw’s touch and Jagger’s eyes.He caught hold of my wrists, his fingers wrapped around them so he could feel how crazy my pulse was.Just for a moment before he groaned and released me.He gulped, a silent plea on his lips that I couldn’t make sense of because Shaw was pushing her middle finger inside me.
“That’s good.I like that.I’ve never… No one has ever…” I didn’t make sense, yet Shaw understood what I was telling her.Her breathing became labored.Her free hand went beneath me until she was fully wrapped around me, and she began to play with my throbbing nipples.Tug.Twist.Tug.“Shaw.I.You.Please.”
“Shh, baby.I’ve got you.”She licked my ear before nipping at the cartilage.“You’re so wet.Have you ever tasted yourself?”I shook my head, unable to form words.“I bet it’s sweet.There’s too much honey on my hand for it not to be sweet.”
She added another finger.“This is how I like it.My middle and ring finger.I like going as deep as I can.There’s this spot right about…here.”I cried out and could hear the grin in her voice when she praised me.“Good girl.Let me know what feels good.Otherwise, how will I know what makes you come?Mmm.I like touching you more than I like touching myself.Your pussy is so tight, babe.I can barely get my fingers inside you.”