Page 19 of Before. Then. Now.

“I… I…” Panting, I shook my head from side to side.It was too much, my body too overstimulated to make sense of what she was demanding of me.

Callused fingertips brushed my hair back from my face.Jagger was turned on his side, his head propped up on his hand as he watched the other two feast on my body.He caressed his fingers down my cheek to my neck before wrapping his hand around my throat tight enough to restrict my oxygen flow.

My inner walls clenched at the possessive hold, the knowledge that Jags held the control of how much air I got.Breath play was something we’d only recently gotten into.Like most things in our private time together, it had been a spur-of-the-moment thing that had left me weak from the force of the orgasm they had unleashed upon me.

“No!”I hissed, trying to swallow the scream that was already shredding my throat from holding it back.I didn’t want to come yet.That would mean we would have to start the day, and I was so greedy for more time with my three favorite people that I wanted to stay in our room as long as possible.

“Can’t take much more,” Luca growled, nipping at my clit.“Spread her open for me.She’s going to come on my cock.”

“No fair,” Shaw whined even as she grasped one of my thighs.Jagger took the other, and they spread me as open as they could on the huge bed.The sheets beneath me were already saturated with my previous releases, as well as their own.“I wanted to play with her for a little while before you two started filling her with come today.”

“Later,” Luca promised, his tone gentling ever so slightly as he looked at her beautiful, pouting face.“I need her too much.”

Jagger strummed his fingers over my clit, coating his digits in my wetness before offering them to Shaw to lick clean.I gasped at the erotic sight, loving how she twirled her tongue around each inch, making sure to get every drop.

I was so lost in watching the two of them that Luca slammed into me by surprise, stealing the air from my lungs as my body stretched to accommodate him.My release rushed over me, but thankfully, Shaw sealed her mouth to mine, swallowing my shriek as my body began to convulse.

Cradling my face in her hands, she kissed me deep, her tongue teasing and exploring while Luca pounded into me.It was a gentle yet demanding kiss.Trying to steal my focus, take it all for herself while Luca rode me harder.

“Fuck,” Jagger growled close to my ear.His hard cock smacked against my leg as the bed shook from the force of Luca’s thrusts.“I need a hole.Don’t care whose or which one.Just need it now.”

Moaning, Shaw tore herself away from kissing me.She climbed over me, pausing only long enough to shake her ass in Luca’s face.I felt his deep laugh vibrate through my body.But then Jagger grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him.As she slid down his cock, she gasped, her eyes rolling back into her head even as she pushed herself upright so she could ride him.

Jagger gripped her ass hard in each palm, forcing her to set a faster pace.Her perfect tits bounced, enthralling me at the sight of them together.Shaw’s head dropped back, her blond hair in tangles, pure bliss on her gorgeous face.My supermodel lover had the majority of the world panting over her, but the only ones allowed to touch her, give her the pleasure she was lost in, were with her in this bed.

“Vi,” she moaned, her head turning ever so slightly so she could catch my gaze.My heart squeezed at the love flaming from those baby blues before they drifted hungrily over the rest of my body that she could see with Luca’s gigantic shoulders blocking her view.“Fuck, you’re so beautiful.”

Lifting my hand, I caught hers, our fingers entwining.That was all we needed, the small connection enough to send us both into the exquisite abyss of another release while our husbands filled us with come.

Jagger and Luca choked back their bellows of pleasure.Shaw dropped forward, already seeking me.I curled into her as much as possible, kissing her back, slow but deep, loving and gentle after the rough and wild way the four of us had just come.

Gasping for breath, Luca settled behind me, his hands rubbing over both Shaw and me as he held on to our connection.I loved how close he and Shaw had become over the years, how their love for me had grown into a love for each other.My need for them was greedy, but I’d never felt a moment of regret, except for the rare times I wondered if we could have been like this all along.Not just now that we were older and secure in the lives we had built together.

Memories of the moments when we were teenagers and Shaw and I would torment Jagger as we kissed and touched filtered through my mind.If Jags hadn’t been such an idiot back then, he could have joined us, but instead, he was forced to sit and watch as I would straddle Shaw on the lounger by my parents’ pool and kiss her, play with her tits in her bikini top.Back then, it was nothing more than harmless fun to make Jagger regret not picking Shaw when he’d had the chance.

But I’d seen the glitter in his eyes as he’d watched Shaw slip her hand into my bikini bottoms and squeeze my ass, pulling me closer.He’d been starved, and not just for Shaw.But we never talked about that—at least not back then.

It was the annoying buzzing of our phones that finally forced us to pull apart.With one more deep kiss, Shaw sat up.It was her phone that was ringing the most, and she crawled across Luca and me to get to it.

I watched her grab the noisy thing, my inner walls clenching with another rush of need as she unashamedly moved around the bedroom, gathering what she needed on her way to the bathroom for a shower.

Jagger gripped my chin, pulling my focus to him.That same light that had been in his blue eyes all those years ago was brighter now as he captured my mouth in a kiss that was brutal compared to the one Shaw had just given me.

“You’re making me jealous of my wife, Vi,” he rasped against my throat.“Why is she getting all your attention this morning?”

“Her tits are amazing,” I told him with a smirk.

Jagger growled his agreement but squeezed my left tit, pulling at the swollen nipple.“Yours are pretty damn fantastic too, beautiful.”

“Agreed,” Luca said, filling his hand with my right breast.“So fucking perfect.Can’t get enough of you, baby.”

I arched back into him, and my breath caught when I felt his cock slide between my ass cheeks.He knew how much I loved having that hole filled, but he’d been nervous to fill it for the longest time.Shaw had been working him up to it, letting him use her body to show him how much fun it was.But my loves were always anxious about hurting me.Like I was fragile and would break if they weren’t careful.

All I wanted was for them to unleash all their love and need for me.To not hesitate and to ravish me.I craved the ache that would linger long afterward.The bruises that would be left behind.My heart belonged to all three of them, but I wanted them to own my body in a way that left no doubt in anyone’s mind who I belonged to.

A loud knock on the locked bedroom door had us all tensing.Shit.This was why we needed our own house in Creswell Springs.“Breakfast!”Jesse barked through the door.“You snooze, you lose.”

Jagger grumbled something I didn’t catch before rolling onto his back, pulling me with him.“Whose room is this supposed to be, yours or ours?”