Page 19 of Ranger's Justice

“Get down,” I bark.

To my surprise, she listens, ducking low, her body curled tight as I slam the gas and take the next turn so hard the back tires skid.

More headlights appear behind us. Three vehicles. Maybe four. They’re flanking us, closing in.

I bare my teeth, the wolf in me raging. “You strapped?” I demand.

Cassidy peeks over the dashboard. “Are you asking me if I have a gun?”

“Do you?”

“Not on me.”

Damn it. I reach under the dash, grab the Glock from its mount, and shove it into her hands.

She blinks. “Seriously?”

I cut her a glare. “Use it if I tell you to.”

She hesitates for a half-second. Then nods. Good girl. The SUV lunges forward, the cartel closing in fast.

I know these streets—know the back roads. But so do they. The cartel is using their vehicles to herd us, trying to force me into a dead-end.

Not happening.

I push the truck harder, darting between cars, sliding onto an access road that runs under the interstate. The first vehicle follows hard, nearly clipping my bumper. The second pulls to the side, flanking me.

Where’s the third? My instincts roar a warning, but too late.

The third vehicle rams us from the side, sending the truck teetering onto two wheels.

Cassidy yelps, her fingers tightening around the gun I gave her. I grip the wheel, fighting for control.

Another hit, harder this time. Shit. They’re trying to flip us.

Not happening.

I jerk the truck hard, sending us into a controlled skid, slamming the back end into the sedan that just hit us.

The crunch of metal is satisfying. The cartel car spins out, tires screeching as it slams into a concrete divider.

One down; two to go.

Cassidy’s breathing is fast, her eyes wide. I don’t have time to tell her she’s doing good, because the second SUV is already trying to take its place.

I scan ahead. There’s an underpass coming up. A sharp turn. A way out. I push the truck to its limits, taking the turn tight, forcing the pursuing vehicle to do the same…

But the cartel’s vehicle can’t handle it. Their car clips the curb, losing traction, spinning into the median.

Two down. One left.

Cassidy lifts the gun. “Tell me when.”

I glance at her, my chest tightening at the fury in her eyes.

The determination. Damn it. She could handle a life with me. She’s too perfect for this. Too perfect for me. Another gunshot shatters the rear window.

Cassidy ducks, gritting her teeth. “Rush…”