I step up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist, pressing a kiss just behind her ear. "Yeah, it is."

She turns in my arms, looking up at me. "I don't think I could've done this without you."

I shake my head. "This was always you, Kara. I just helped bring it to life."

Her fingers trail down my chest, her eyes soft. "Still, I'm glad you're here."

By the time we get back to my place, exhaustion weighs on both of us. Kara barely makes it to bed before collapsing onto it, her limbs tangled in the sheets. I climb in beside her, wrapping my arms around her as she sighs contentedly.

"You're not going to stay awake and memorize me again, are you?" she teases, her voice drowsy.

Chuckling, I press a kiss on her hair. "Nah, I've got every inch of you burned into my brain already."

She hums in response, already half-asleep. I hold her a little tighter, listening to the steady rhythm of her breathing. For the first time in a long time, everything feels right.

And I know, without a doubt, that I'll do whatever it takes to keep it that way.



I haveno idea what I expect when Ty and I walk into my new bookstore space the next morning, but the sight before me is enough to knock the air from my lungs.

The place is jam packed.

Not just with bookshelves and paint like yesterday, but with people. Friends. Neighbors. Half the town has shown up, buzzing with energy as they finish the painting, move the shelves into place, and assemble more furniture like they are on some kind of mission. My mission. My dream.

I stand frozen in the doorway, completely overwhelmed. It's too much. Sheer kindness, effort, love. I press my fingers to my lips, blinking rapidly to stop the tears that threaten to spill over.

A familiar presence appears at my side, his calloused hand brushing against mine.Ty. His touch grounds me instantly, like an anchor, keeping me steady in a sea of emotions.

"Told you they love you, Bookworm," he says, his voice warm with pride. His lips curl into that signature smirk, but his eyes, those deep, steady eyes, hold something softer, something real.

I turn to him. My heart is a tangled mess of emotions. Though I can only manage a breathless whisper. "How did you do this?"

This is so much more than the help we had yesterday, and I know he's behind it. I just don't know how.

Ty shrugs as if it's nothing, but the way his eyes gleam tells me otherwise. "Made some calls. Twisted some arms. Sold my soul. You know, the usual."

A watery laugh escapes me, and before I can overthink it, I throw my arms around him. "Thank you."

His arms lock around me, holding me close. "Always."

As we walk in, we pass by Hades, who is lying by the front door, soaking up attention from everyone who walks in and out. He seems to be enjoying the sunshine that's out today as well. Kids crouch beside him, running their fingers through his thick fur, giggling when he lazily wags his tail. Someone hands him a biscuit, and he takes it with a slow, satisfied crunch.

The moment is cut short by Emma practically bouncing toward us, clipboard in hand. "Okay, so here's the plan! We're going big with the reopening. We need social media buzz to bring in people from nearby towns, a marketing push, and--oh, I have so many ideas!"

She looks at me and Ty, grinning like she knows something I don't. Maybe she does.

I nod, still dazed. "I don't even know how to thank everyone."

"You already have," Emma says. "This town loves you, Kara. Now let's make this place something unforgettable."

I let Emma pull me away, so I can look over all the marketing material she's drafted up. I approve the last of the design details from Caitlin and sign the orders to move the Wi-Fi from my old store to the new one. We talk about promotional ideas. Book clubs, author signings, cozy reading corners that will draw people in. Each idea feels like a small victory, another step toward making this dream a reality.

As the day goes on, I watch it all unfold. The way Levi and Ty tackle the shelving, how Caitlin coordinates the shelf placementand furniture, and how even the gruffest Mustang Mountain men turn up, ready to work.

Ruby shows up with an entire spread of homemade pastries. I see Caitlin smack Miles' hand when he tries to sneak a third muffin. "For the workers, not the snackers!" she scolds. Though she hands him another one anyway.