“Oh my goodness where did you find it?” Ruby says reaching for a chunky jeweled necklace that the sheriff hands her.

“Turns out this is what those guys were going to plant in Shane’s house to try and make it look like he hadn’t changed. I didn’t put together that it matched the one in your report until just last night. Sorry it took me so long,” Sheriff Lawson says.

“Now why in the world would they do that?” Ruby asks.

“They are working for someone else, but they aren’t talking. But one has a warrant out of Bozeman and another out of Salt Lake City, so they won’t be bothering anyone for a long time,” the sheriff says.

Ruby and Sheriff Lawson talk a bit more as I head back into the chilly March Montana air. I cross the street and walk past a few more stores before I get to the bookstore.

I push open the shop door, inhaling the familiar scent of books and vanilla. The place is cozy and warm, a direct contrast to the chill of the night outside. This bookstore has become likemy second home. I helped Kara build it and get it ready to open. Much of my free time is spent here with her.

When I walk in, Caitlin and Paisley are sitting with Kara wrapping up their book club, and a bunch of giggles fill the air. Ignoring them, I make my way to Kara. Sitting down beside her, I set Kara's coffee down, and that's when I see Kara's face is bright red. Caitlin and Paisley have huge smiles on their faces, like they've just caught her in something scandalous.

"Hey, Bookworm. What's going on?" I ask, instantly suspicious.

“Just talking about the ranch.” She smiles up at me.

“Shane’s ranch?” I ask joining the girls.

“Yeah, I was just telling her Levi finished up the work on one of the cabins for Aiden and Paisley to move into. Now we have room in the bunkhouse for Kody who will be here in May,” Caitlin says.

“Especially since Aiden wouldn’t let anyone move in there with me there. So the cabin was the best move,” Paisley jokes.

There is a pause while Kara and I drink our coffee.

“Tell him about the thing,” Caitlin says, talking in some kind of girl code.

Kara and Caitlin are making faces at each other, and I get the feeling there is something Kara isn’t wanting to tell me and that just won’t do.

“Tell me what?”

Kara groans and covers her face with her hands. "I am freaking out."

Right then, I'm on high alert. Kara is the level-headed one between the two of us. If she is freaked out, then I know I will be, too. I remain calm as Caitlin chimes in before I can speak.

Caitlin grins. "Oh, you should tell him."

"Tell me what?" I step closer to her, worry and a touch of panic racing through my gut.

Kara peeks up at me through her curtain of long dark brown hair, looking half-mortified and half-panicked. "I... got asked out. He has to go out of town on business for a few days, but he asked me to go to dinner when he gets back."

I blink. That's what makes her blush like this? "Uh... congrats?"

She huffs. "No, not congrats! I don't know what I'm doing, Ty. I haven't dated in... well, since that disastrous date with Todd Evans at our senior prom, and you know how that ended."

Do I ever. It ended with him having a broken nose, two black eyes, and me with a set of bloody knuckles.

It also sent him to juvie and got me suspended. And it was totally worth it after that creep tried to drug her and take advantage of her at prom.

"What do I even talk about? What if I do something embarrassing? I already agreed to the date, but now I'm panicking."

As Kara continues, her words pull me from my thoughts.

Everyone is quiet for a moment, and I'm not sure what to say because my gut reaction is to try to talk her out of the date. I'm about to open my mouth, but I clamp it shut when I see the look on Paisley's face.

Paisley's smirk turns teasing. "Ty, you should give her dating lessons."

I freeze. "What?"