“He’s… er… he doesn’t look like anyone from any of the countries in the Known Lands,” she said finally. “They wear different clothes, have different weapons, and even wear their hair differently. We haven’t encountered a culture like theirs before, and their army is enormous.”
Mama and Papa’s eyes meet and silence filled the room for a long moment. Naya looked between them, and although neither looked particularly worried, it was clear that the reality of what was coming was sinking in.
“He did this when you tried to escape?” Papa asked, gesturing to her face.
Naya hesitated. “Yes.”
“What is it?” Mama asked at her hesitation. Since Naya started recounting what happened, Mama had been watchful and quiet, as though she’d known Naya hadn’t told them everything yet. And she hadn’t.
Naya took a breath. “He is my mate.”
Mama and Papa both froze and then crowded closer to her. Mama took her hand, and taking care, Papa crouched beside her and slowly lifted her chin, examining her neck.
Horrified, Naya realized he was searching for a bite mark. “We didn’t bond, Papa. You know the Omega is the one who has to initiate that. I would never do it with him.”
“That doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t force you to,” Papa bit out. His eyes lingered on her face, and the look in them sent an uncomfortable prickle up her neck. He knew. Papa knew she had bed Akoro.
They both knew because Mama asked, “Did he force you?” Her entire body was rigid.
Naya hesitated, unsure how to answer. Since she’d liked it, craved it even, was it forced? Was it forced if she was in her heat? Or if she’d wanted the comfort of it even when she’d been so distraught by it? “I.. I was in my Haze so….”
Mama turned away, exhaling heavily, while Papa growled out curses under his breath, low and threatening. She didn’t need to continue.
“Why did he cut you?” Papa thundered, disgust heavy in his voice. “What kind of Alpha is he? Why would he cut his mate like this?”
“He….” Naya swallowed, organizing her thoughts under the brutal weight of her embarrassment. “The cut is attached to his proximity somehow. It heals when he is near. If he were standing in this room, there would be no wound. You wouldn’t even see a scar.”
Papa was silent, and for the first time since Naya had been conscious, the Talent-crafter twins glanced at each other. That kind of magic was unheard of in the Known Lands.
“So he wants you with him, then?” Mama asked slowly. “He wants to keep you as his mate, even as he plans to invade us.”
Naya starting nodding and then stopped when the pain sharpened. “Yes.”
Papa exhaled and walked away. “The Mother is right. He is coming with sophisticated magic. We need to prepare.” He glanced back at Naya knowingly. “Have you formulated a plan already?”
Naya lifted her eyes, her own gaze hardening to match the fury in his. “Of course I have. I am your daughter, Papa.”
Before Naya could do anything, something had to be done about her face. Papa left to find Uncle Torin while they tried to figure out a solution.
The twins explained that while she’d been unconscious, they attempted healing the wound, but no matter what they tried, the skin wouldn’t knit back together. They couldn’t even stop the bleeding completely, only slow it to a trickle. It would take more research to figure out how to heal her. For now, all they could do was slow the bleeding down and numb the area so that Naya didn’t feel pain.
But Naya wasn’t happy about that. She needed to be able to move around freely—couldn’t remain lying down so magic could be streamed into her face—to plan for the invasion. The twins would be needed too. As the only Talent-Crafters for the Lox Empire, their input would be essential to prepare a magical defense. They couldn’t spend their time solely focused on Naya’s injury. Yet, it was obvious that she would bleed to death if her wound was left unattended.
“Can I apply the magic myself?” she asked.
The twin, who always dressed in red, Rada, nodded. “Yes, but it will take much of your concentration and you’ll have to keep it bandaged if you want to move around.”
“I can do that.”
“Your father will need your full input if he is to successfully defend against this attack,” the other twin Kuan, who always wore black, added. “You won’t be able to help him effectively if you’re having to focus on?—”
Naya waved her hand dismissively. “I will manage it. Show me.”
The twins explained how they drew on healing magic to surround and stanch the wound, keeping it as close as possible to the cut. They were directing an incredible amount of magic into her face, just to slow the bleeding, and Naya realized just how powerful Akoro’s magic was.
“Are you sure you can do this?” Mama murmured beside her.
“It will take some concentration, but I can do it.”