Page 29 of Sins of His Wrath

“How would you know what it’s like?” she whispered.

Lonn’s breathing calmed. “My parents.” He didn’t say more, but the tenseness of his shoulders spoke volumes.

Naya lifted her hands. “I understand you want a successful pairing?—”

“I want a meaningful one,” he corrected. “If we’re not mates, then it will take more work, but I’m not looking for a convenience match, your highness, regardless of your status.”

The heat at her chest crept up her neck. She nodded, unable to hide her disappointment. “All right.”

A struggle played out on Lonn’s face. Suddenly, he leaned in and ran his nose along her neck. Instinctively, Naya shivered and then recoiled. Lonn froze at her reaction.

Naya stilled, her heart dropping. Their unsuitability was too glaring to ignore. While he was a very good-looking Alpha, she would always unfairly compare him to her mate. She cursed inwardly, annoyed that she hadn’t prepared for this. Other Omegas had settled with Alphas that weren’t their true mates, but they’d never met their true mate. Maybe Naya could’ve gotten used to Lonn if she’d never experienced the deep, complex, heady scent of Akoro, but Lonn couldn’t compare. Akoro had basically spoiled her for anyone else. What if she still remembered Akoro’s scent once they were mated? That would be unfair to Lonn and torture for her. Maybe she should just be alone. If she could lead the Lox, surely she could rule.

Naya placed her palm on Lonn’s chest and opened her mouth to tell him to stop, disappointment flooding her as she tried to find the words.

Lonn grabbed the back of her head, forcing her eyes to his hard gaze, but his eyes lingered on her face, down at her wound, and then they widened, alarmed. He flicked back up to look at her eyes. “Naya…”

But she could already feel it.

A sharp, crawling sting spread through the wound, like tiny claws scraping beneath her skin. Cold crept over it, tightening, sealing. The pain flickered, then faded. Naya pressed her hand against her face, and there was just smooth skin, not even a mark or a scar.

Her whole body went cold.

“What’s wrong?” Lonn asked, alarm in his voice. “What does that mean?”

Naya gritted her teeth. “He’s here.”


Lonn charged out of the room. Naya reinstalled her blocks, then reached for magic and weaved together a portal directed at her father. She stepped through it into Papa’s battle strategy room. Papa was in deep conversation with Chief Kardos and King Malloron, but they stopped talking, startled at her sudden arrival.

“He’s here, Papa,” she said steadily.

All three Alphas bristled. Papa stormed to the door. “Where?” he bellowed.

“I don’t know,” Naya said, weaving another portal. “But he’s close—somewhere near the palace.” He had to be close in order for the wound to become invisible. Next, she stepped into the family armory, her breath tight in her chest. The familiar scent of oiled leather and cold steel filled the space, grounding her for a moment before the weight of what lay ahead settled in. Letting her mind go blank, focusing on the task at hand. Her fingers moved quickly, fastening the segmented cuirass over her tunic. Pauldrons clicked into place, leather bracers strapped tight over her forearms. She exhaled sharply, rolling her shoulders, but the tension coiled deep in her gut refused to loosen. This armor had carried her through battle before, had shielded her from blades and arrows, but this time was different.

She slipped all her weapons into place with practiced precision, her mind sharping at the routine before grabbing her robe. It was woven from the finest black silk threaded with deep crimson embroidery, its heavy, fluid fabric designed specifically for her. When she swung it over her shoulders, the heavy fabric settled on the mantle of authority she’d been too insecure to face for six years. But now it served as a reminder of her true strength. She’d fought Akoro before, but not when she was properly armed and dressed in the colors of her empire. If he had come to take what was hers, he would reckon with her in her rightful position before he ever laid a hand on her lands.

Brassy war horns blared through the air like a deep, forced belch, startling her. They sounded much too close. Leaving the palace by the side door, she followed the sounds of the horns through the training grounds. Her heart jumped into her mouth as she came closer to the region of the Omega village. Sounds of steel clashing, grunts, shouts, and wails rose into the air.No.

Naya ran, dread coursing through her veins. As she rounded the palace grounds, the Lox were already pouring out of the nearest palace exit far behind her, led by Papa and Uncle Torin, but it was already too late.

Akoro’s soldiers flooded every inch of the Omega village.

Naya charged forward, drawing her sword, but the men didn’t progress past the village. They surged along its perimeter, creating a barrier of men, walling off the village, trapping the families in there and keeping everyone else out.

She stopped several yards away, sensing a strange magical structure past the village in the forest. Most likely a portal. Each soldier had some kind of magic around them too—a magical shield surrounding them that originated from a complicated structure on their armor. It was closed-off magic, like the dark red bands, but the armor had a strange vibration that she hadn’t noticed before. Maybe it was the symbol or language that controlled it. It wasn’t unexpected considering this culture’s extensive use of magic, but attacking them with magic while they had the Omegas would be risky.

The problem was disarming their magical shield. She had to figure out how to use the information the Mother gave her.

Then she glimpsed several Alpha bodies strewn on the ground behind the warriors. Naya’s breath left her. How many had been killed? Dread filled her veins. Had they killed Omegas? Several warriors shuffled to the front of the barrier, dragging women with them.

“Wait!” she bellowed as Papa and Uncle Torin came up next to her, all watching the enemy. “Wait.”

Papa held up his fist, instructing the Lox to fall back a few feet behind them. His eyes swept over the scene, assessing the situation. “What is it, Naya?”

“They have the Omegas,” Naya said breathlessly.