They wrestled in the corridor, trying to get a better hold on one another, growling and grunting.
“You think I want to want her this much?” Akoro bellowed. “It would’ve been easier for everyone if she remained just a prisoner. I vowed never to go through anything like this again.”
The strength of Oppo’s grip lessened. He allowed Akoro to push him against the wall, his contorted face softening. “She’s not our parents, Akoro.”
“No?” Akoro released him and gestured to the destruction beyond the palace walls. “Look at what she’s done to the city!”
Oppo sighed, pushing himself away from the wall. “It’s a mess. The only thing you can take comfort in is that she will be feeling it, too.”
Akoro stilled, his breath heavy. “What?”
“She will feel the same—that worry and dread that her Alpha isn’t with her. I’m not sure how strongly, but it’ll be impossible not to feel it when you’ve been physically close for so long.”
The rousing flame within Akoro quietened. His chest heaved as his mind raced. “Will it make her want to come back?”
Oppo’s dark chuckle had no humor in it. “No, brother. I doubt anything will make her want to come back here. But you can at least rely on the fact that she will miss your presence, even if she doesn’t want to.”
“You know more about her instincts than you made known.”
Oppo frowned. “You know I have more knowledge about Omegas than most.”
“But you could have helped me soften her to this place while she was here—to me.”
Oppo’s face hardened. “I wouldn’t have helped you manipulate her.”
Akoro snarled. “You would have fucking done what your king asked of you.”
“When will you learn?” Oppo snarled back. “It is much better when she is willing.”
Akoro exhaled a long breath. “I do not have that luxury.”
Oppo straightened slowly, his brows drawing in as he eyed his brother. “What is it? It’s not just anger I can scent on you. You’re worried.”
Akoro spoke low and quiet. “I cut her with thennol-ttaehh.”
Oppo’s eyes widened. “What? You did what?”
“It was a warning,” Akoro said. “She was wandering around the city and I warned her not to leave. I showed her the consequences if she did.”
“And yet she left anyway.” Oppo’s mouth twisted. “It warned her of nothing and put her life at risk. That wound will never heal.”
“I already know that,” Akoro barked at him.
“I have no idea what you fucking know,” Oppo said hotly. “Did it occur to you that your Omega is not vain?”
Akoro stared at him, his mind catching up to what should have been obvious. It had not.
“Just because you find her beautiful doesn’t mean she values her own beauty. Cutting her face did nothing to deter her because she doesn’t care about that. She traveled across the Sands for nearly two weeks and not once even straightened her hair.”
Akoro leaned against the wall and cursed long and loud. He had been sure that Naya would’ve been horrified by the sight of the wound, but now that he thought about it, Oppo was right. Naya had never shown that she cared about her appearance.
Oppo fixed his clothes, re-buttoning, retying, and straightening areas that had crumpled or loosened when they’d wrestled. He said nothing for a long time, but Akoro could feel that he was struggling to hold in every curse he wanted to launch at him. Oppo didn’t anger easily, but when it came to the Omega, he was constantly irritated about one thing or another. This time he was furious, and Akoro didn’t want to hear it. Naya was his Omega, not Oppo’s, and while he’d clearly misjudged some things, he hadn’t been prepared for how he felt about her. Oppo was the only one who understood Naya at her Omega core, and while it had always infuriated Akoro, Oppo should have been helping to encourage Naya’s instincts to make her more accepting of her mate. Of course, Oppo wouldn’t agree, but he wouldn’t have a choice once Akoro got her back.
Finally, Oppo faced him. “There was a time you would have come to me for advice about an Omega before using such dangerous magic on her,” he said gravely, “but you’ve been acting strangely since she arrived. I understand she’s your mate, but your decisions have been unexplainable. She is resourceful—she will find a way to stem the bleeding, but you’d better hope you can still succeed with this invasion, myking, or you’ll have much more to worry about than your escaped Omega.” He brushed off his clothes and turned away. “I will ask Yoshel to convene the council in three hours.”
Akoro watched him disappear down the corridor, and he stood for a long moment, his mind turning over everything his brother said. Oppo was right, of course, Naya would find a way to survive the wound, but it didn’t reassure Akoro at all. He wanted his Omega where he could see and feel her. That was the only thing that would soothe the turmoil inside him. Finally, he headed back outside to continue helping with the rescue effort.
When he arrived at the strategy room a few hours later, he had mostly calmed. The fog was still there roiling within him, but it was quieter, soothed by the knowledge that Naya was likely feeling the same. While he was working to clear roads and find survivors, he’d finally been able to think and make plans. This situation was salvageable. He just needed to move forward carefully.