Naya blinked again, surprised by the question. “I would defend our empire with everything we have regardless of my kidnapping, yes.”
“Even if we are at fault?”
“We aren’t. And if what you say is true, then it’s the Southern Lands who are responsible.”
Mama shrugged. “But they are our allies. We stand with them, don’t we? Even when they make mistakes?”
Naya narrowed her eyes, unsure what point Mama was making. “Do you not like the plan?”
“The plan is great, Naya.” Mama pulled her lips in, shaking her head as though she was trying to find the right words. “But this doesn’t feel like you. It feels like anger and revenge and hurt.”
Naya bristled.
Mama held up her hand, speaking again before Naya could say anything. “I’m not saying you’re not capable, Naya. I’ve watched you develop your skills in this area since you were seven. You’ve studied more war history and strategy than anyone your age. But you are tired, and angry, and in pain, and probably hungry… and this plan doesn’t feel like you. You never usually go on the offensive, not when your side could be the true instigator.”
Anger roiled up in Naya. “This is real life, Mama, not a strategy game.”
Mama’s shrug was casual and careful. “I just thought that your rule would look different from your father’s, especially when you have an advantage in this situation that he doesn’t.”
Naya’s brow lowered. “An advantage? Like what?”
Mama gave her a knowing look. “He’s your mate, Naya.”
Naya stared at Mama for a long moment before she finally grasped what she was trying to say. “That doesn’t mean anything to him,” she said firmly. “The way he treated me?—“
“—was as a prisoner,” Mama finished. “A hostile prisoner from a land that caused his problems. You don’t know how he would treat a guest or an ally. You’re his mate so you are uniquely qualified to consider all options in ways no one else can. You have more sway over him than you think.”
“I’m telling you, Mama.” Naya’s eyes flashed. “I have nothing over him. He used me and took from me every time.”
“No, not every time,” Mama said softly. “Most men would’ve been happy for you to shut up and disengage as long as they were getting sex. He didn’t like when you did that.”
Heat spread all over Naya like wildfire, and her head started to feel heavy. “He… he wanted the Omega, not me.”
Mama was silent for a long moment, observing Naya. “I know you’re tired. Just think about it, Naya. As long as you’ve thought about all options, I know you won’t make decisions that don’t align with the leader you’re destined to be. But if you’re going to finally step into your role to rule, it needs to beyourrule, not your father’s.”
Naya exhaled, annoyed. Mama was making everything complicated. “Papa is an experienced leader, Mama. He would tell me if he thought the plan wasn’t right.”
“This plan is right for him, Naya.” Mama’s smile was almost sad. “Someone took Papa’s firstborn from right under his nose and hurt her, and he couldn’t find her.” Mama leaned forward, bracing her elbows on her knees. “The Sy Dynasty needs to pay for that.”
Naya stared at her, horror prickling at her. Papa would get himself killed with that attitude. “Why are you telling me this now? Why didn’t you say anything when we were planning?”
“Because I agree with you that you should lead us in this war, Naya, and I didn’t want to undermine that. But I want to you do it your way. I want you to use your intelligence and knowledge, find a solution for the empire—but you can’t if you’re angry and hurting.”
Naya left out a shaky breath. She couldn’t deny she was angry, and she couldn’t see how not to be. “Maybe this is my way.”
Mama smiled. “I know you’re more uncomfortable with death than your father, Naya, especially if it can be avoided. If you think this plan is best, then forge ahead. But it’s not just the Lox that will be under your command, it will be our allies’ armies—the same allies that potentially caused this problem. We owe it to our people that when you step into your role as leader, you show them howyouwill do things, not your Papa. Otherwise, their deaths will haunt you, too.”
Naya didn’t know what to say about that—her head was swimming with everything that had been said.
Mama gestured to her bed. “You need sleep, Naya. We’ll talk again when you wake.”
Naya blinked rapidly, and with the emotional weight dissipating, the pull of exhaustion was strong.
“I will stay here and watch over your wound,” Mama said, rising to pat Naya’s pillow. “Just in case the magic fails while you sleep.”
Naya hesitated, but her mind was churning, and she couldn’t make sense of it. She got into bed, and Mama tucked the blankets around her and stroked her hair until she settled.
When she closed her eyes, memories of Akoro crawled into her mind and she didn’t have the energy to push them away. She remembered the way he had cuddled her in her nest, his urgency to pull her out of her depressed slumber, the perfect joy of those days with him after the visit to the forest. Pushing the memories away, Naya sunk into darkness, too exhausted to continue thinking about him. The next time she saw him, he would be dead or dying, and nothing about their personal connection would change that. It was too late—he’d done too much, and now he needed to pay.