“Even on the darkest days, light can be found in the people of Nyek,” she murmured.
Kelyos’ face dropped. “Where did you hear that?”
“The woman in white said it.” Shaya braced herself as another contraction approached.
“What woman in white?”
“Yes, the woman my sister took me to see about leaving the known Lands.”
Kelyos stared at her. “What did she look like?”
“Small, dressed in white, blue eyes….” Shaya gasped as the pain arrived, ripping her attention from anything else.
“The contractions are getting closer now,” Rozalia said. “I think we need to limit any further distractions.”
“Wait,” Kelyos said, urgently. “I need to know what color her hair was—”
“Father,” Kardos said firmly. “It’s time to go.”
Once the contractions shortened in time, the birth happened relatively quickly, and between Kardos’ fussing and Rozalia’s orders to push, Shaya didn’t have much time to think through the pain and discomfort.
But less an hour later, a little bundle was placed in her arms and she stared in amazement at the tiny nose, mouth, and pair of eyes peeking out through the cloths.
Kardos slid his arms around her shoulders to bring their heads together, saying a prayer to Az Eshra for the safe arrival of their daughter, while Shaya could only stare at her.
“She looks just like you,” he murmured.
“She does?” Shaya breathed.
“She has your nose.”
They stared at the baby for a long time, until Rozalia scolded Kardos for being in the way when she tried to check on Shaya. “She will still be here, even if you blink,” Rozalia said teasingly to them both. “You should start thinking about names.”
Shaya bit her lip thoughtfully. “What about your mother’s name?” she said to Kardos.
A strange expression bled into Kardos’ face. “I’m not sure that is wise.”
“What do you mean?”
“My father… he is convinced that the saying you said to him could only have come from my mother.”
Shaya frowned and then shrugged. “It’s possible the woman in white knew your mother. She said she was—”
“No. He is saying that only my mother could have even said it.”
Shaya stared at him. How could that be…?”
“He’s been waiting outside to ask you some questions,” Kardos said, lifting his beautiful eyes to hers. “I told him no.”
Kardos was quiet as he looked down at their daughter. “What kind of mother could do that?” he muttered. “Leave her six-year-old during a blizzard and never return?”
Shaya leaned forward to press her forehead to his cheek. “You’ll never know if you don’t find out.”
“I don’t need her now,” Kardos said. “I have you and our little one. That’s all I’ll ever need.”
“What about your father?” Shaya asked quietly. “Do you think you’ll never need him? Because if you do, then you’ll need her too. Eventually.”