Page 67 of Own to Obtain

Shaya’s eyes filled with tears as she looked at him.

“And it could be something that you could use to get to know the potionists from the other tribes—I’m sure that they would want share knowledge with you and maybe ingredients. Rozalia would definitely want to help too.”

“And you would be all right with that?” Shaya breathed. “Me spending my days on a different island?”

“I will obviously be with you,” Kardos growled.

Shaya laughed, but the tears streamed down her face. “You want to learn about gardening?”

“I want to learn about anything that makes you happy, little bird,” Kardos said as he drew her in so their noses touched. “And I’ve been eager to see you in your own garden for so long.”

Shaya’s arms slipped around his neck and he held her tightly as she peppered kisses all over his face. He would never get tired of her touching him, kissing him, caressing him with her soft, sweet hands and lips.

“Thank you,” Shaya whispered in his ear.

Kardos’ hand slipped up her tunic and the world was lost to them for over an hour as he took pleasure in every part of her delicious, delicate body.

It wasn’t unusual for them to mate frequently for long periods, and because of that, the tour took much longer than it usually would. However, the Isles adored them for it and frequently rejoiced their love for each other. Kardos’ father commented that many babies were probably conceived during the announcement tour because of their influence, which embarrassed Shaya, who couldn’t even look him in the eyes after his remark, but Kardos was glad. If that was true, it meant that whenever they visited the island, their daughter would have children of her own age to play with, and she would learn about each tribe through its children, which was the best way for her to learn about her Land.

When they visited the mothers in the birthing temple, the general atmosphere was one of exhaustion, but the mothers were happy they hadn’t been forgotten. It pleased Kardos greatly to see Shaya holding the newborns and playing with the young children like it was the most natural thing in the world. The mothers had plenty of advice for her, but it was when Shaya opened up about her concerns and fears about her pregnancy, that they showed fervor in their support—assuring her that she would be well and promising to assist her in any way they could, even once they leave the birthing temple.

“Are you truly worried about the birth, Shaya?” Kardos asked when they left.

Shaya nodded, though her eyes were low. He loved that she was more comfortable with him, but still too shy to hold his gaze sometimes. “I’ve never been around children or pregnant women for any length of time before,” she explained. “I don’t know anything about pregnancy—I didn’t even know I was pregnant.” She lifted her eyes to his. “That can’t be a good sign for an Omega.”

“You were in unusual conditions when you conceived, Shaya,” Kardos said. “You were deprived of food and water and that heat played havoc with our hormones. I doubt any Omega would have been clear what was going on with her own body.”

Shaya nodded in agreement. “Kyus said that Queen Amara is happy to talk to me if I want.” She looked at Kardos and he knew it was a question. She wanted to know if he would be all right with that.

Kardos was silent for a moment as he stroked the delicate patched of skin inside her elbow. “I think that’s very generous of her, Shaya. But there is a wealth of knowledge here in the Southern Lands that you should make use of before you seek guidance from outside. I know she is an Omega, and no one here is,” he added, “but there are women who would give their lives to support your pregnancy, who know methods and recipes that may help to soothe your worries. I feel you should take advantage of that first.”

Shaya bit her lip thoughtfully. “You’re right.”

“I don’t think you have to worry about anything at all, little bird,” he said, lifting her onto his lap as he began to purr. “I know it will come to you naturally, but you can talk to the other Omegas if you wish.”

“Do you think you will create an alliance with Emperor Drocco?” Shaya asked, after a long moment of silence.

“Yes. Out of respect for his grandmother, I have to.”

“You have to?”

“Yes,” Kardos dipping his need firmly. “If his grandmother was a Nyek tribeswoman, then he is practically family. I don’t know the full details of why she left, but it doesn’t really matter. He has Nyek blood in him, and he is separated from his tribe. I don’t know if an alliance will do anything to bridge the gap, but it is not right for me to leave him stranded in that way.”

“I don’t think he believes he is stranded,” Shaya remarked.

“Nevertheless, he is only trained in one combat skill, he cannot speak Mayaros properly, and he lives in a luxury that will eventually dull his senses as a warrior. I have to give him the opportunity to uphold what it means to be from Nyek.”

Shaya nodded. “I think he will appreciate that.”


The trial of tribe leader Vasos and shinno Rhaad was the first unpleasantness they had to deal with in their new role, but Kardos saw it as a victory—an opportunity to right the many wrongs caused by them.

Rhaad showed himself to be completely insane. He tried to justify everything he’d done and blame his ancestors and his sense of pride in his tribe as the reasons why he continued to uphold such disgusting action against fair people. Whereas, the tribe leader, Vasos, while still blaming past generations, accepted that he had some responsibility for the deaths committed under his command. Both claimed not to know anything about Kardos’ mother’s death and both of them pleaded to be spared of the death the sentence carried, but there was no possible way that Kardos could allow it and no one questioned his decision.

And so the day before he and Shaya moved the Central Island, both men were rockpulted to death by warriors who had all lost someone to their barbaric underhanded scheme. They both died screaming and in terrible agony, the only way to pay back the pain the Isles suffered collectively.

When the tour ended, Shaya and Kardos climbed up the steps of the temple while the ever-growing crowd who had followed them during their tour watched, cheering and supporting, then entered their new home.