The man beamed and turned to share the news with the rest of his tribesmen, while Shaya gave him a disapproving look that was so adorable, he had to draw her into him.
“Stop letting them give me all the credit,” she tried to scold him as he kissed her.
“Stop trying to refuse all the credit,” he said against her cheek. “The only reason why I am even here is because you chose to come back to me.”
When Kardos had recovered enough for them to finally emerged from their hut, they visited the villages and helped relocate the people who’d lost their homes in the collapse of the mountain. The entire Nyek tribe helped with the relocation, and many got to see and speak to Shaya.
It was during that time, that the most experienced mothers in the Nyek tribe were able to tell she was with child, and the news spread through the Southern Lands like the heart of a blizzard. It caused an Isles-wide excitement that could not be contained.
The only hint of gloom was the people from Tribe Obari. They gathered, preparing for the announcement of Kardos and Shaya, but they looked lost. Shaya had been surprised and saddened but Kardos expected it. Any tribe without its tribe leader and shinno were not really a tribe. They were more like a clan, and clans had less status and recognition on the Lands.
They stood before the platform that Shaya, Kardos, and the high chief stood on, and listened to the announcement, but there was no excitement in them. In fact, they looked worn and disappointed, curious to see the couple but overall greatly upset.
So Kardos decided that now was the time to speak.
“Tribe Obari,” he began, “I know you are deeply affected by the actions uncovered by your tribe leader and shinno, and even by some of your own men—men who are your fathers, brothers, and sons, who took part in the atrocities against the Southern Isles, and for that I am regretful we were not able to catch them earlier.
“I know we are taught to take pride in our tribe, and how disorientated and disappointed you must feel to have that stripped away. However, you now have the opportunity to find a new home and a new tribe to love.”
The crowd before him were completely still, watching him closely, almost leaning in to hear every word.
“Tribe Obari will be disbanded,” he announced. “You will be asked to join another tribe that has space for you, and if the tribe accepts, you will be relocated to their island. Those of you who do not wish to join any other tribe are welcome to join any of the clans or travel to one of the other known Lands to begin a life there. Whatever you choose to do will not be held against you.”
A mutter rippled through the crowd before him, and they looked at each other, shock on their faces.
“Kardos,” Shaya whispered to him. “Is this something you can really do? What other tribes will take them?”
“In a time of crisis, this is the kind of thing that other tribes are willing to do. They will be able to shed the dishonor they feel and find solidarity with a new family.”
“Will we be able to join Tribe Nyek?” a man called from the crowd.
“It is possible,” Kardos said. “However, we have lost some of our homes in the recent blizzard, so it depends if there is space for new families.” He paused. “Of course, Katashaya and I will be moving to the Central Island after this tour, so we won’t be there if you are hoping because of us.”
The man’s face dropped, but he nodded.
“What will happen to tribe leader Vasos and shinno Rhaad?” a woman asked hesitantly.
“My Omega has allowed them to be detained and stand trial,” Kardos said. “However, I do not see it necessary to go through a lengthy process that will be painful to you and the people who have lost family members by their hands. They will get the chance to explain themselves, but we have recovered documents that verify the information we obtained about this issue is correct, and therefore they will need to pay for their hand in the murders of multiple people. The punishment is death.”
The woman nodded, determination in her eyes as she agreed with his words.
When they left Obari Island, Shaya was quiet. He drew her close into his chest, knowing she was disconcerted by the idea that the tribe leader and the shinno would be killed, but that was their way, and she had to learn it. The fact that she wasn’t questioning it, meant that she understood to some degree and he was glad that she did.
“What are you going to do with Obari Island if the tribe is longer there,” she asked, lifting her head until her little nose was pressed against his beard.
He stroked her soft thigh. “It’s going to be your garden.”
Shaya gasped, pulling her head back to look in the eyes. “The entire island? My garden? Kardos!”
“I told you I would give you one.”
She opened her mouth to say something else, but nothing came out.
Kardos couldn’t help but smile at the look of amazement on her face.
“Yes, b-but…” she stuttered, as she tried to find the words. “It seems insensitive to move people from their home, and ask them to join another tribe, only for their land to become my gardens.”
“I think it’s perfect,” Kardos said. “It wouldn’t be right to simply move a different tribe onto that island when so many lives have been lost. A beautiful garden taking influence from Western Lands greenery and Southern Lands firmness would be a good way to celebrate them, don’t you think?”